Going to workout

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I have a few questions. I started going to a women's gym called Curves last week. I felt it was time to try to rebuild my stamima. I am 14 wks post op. I seem to be doing fine with it but I still have to take naps everyday or I don't make it thru the day. I do get concerned when my heart rate picks up. They do monitor your heart rate while you are working out and mine stay's in range for a normal 33 yr old women but should mine stay lower or the same as a healthy women my age. How long does it take to start to notice a difference in my energy levels? I have been inactive for 15 months. How hard should I work myself? I am being careful because my doctor told me I could excersise recommended walking but said I would be ok as long as I did not lift any free weights heavier than 2 lbs. I am also having palpatations again and I have started seeing what I call sun spots in one eye once and awhile. I would love to hear your advice. Oh should I be concerned with my coumidian since I have started being more active.

Congratulations for getting started. As far as intensity is concerned, you have a bit of history that make it tough for me to make suggestions. Ask your cardiologist for specific heart rate limits and duration of exercise.

I don't know much about Curves, but golly, I would sure feel better if I heard that your program is supervised by a cardiac nurse. Palpitations and vision issues need to be very closely monitored. Does Curves have med person/staff on hand?

You should begin to feel some renewed vitality within a few weeks. Be patient with that, it will come. And it will be a boost to the spirit as well as the body.

The key is to make this a one-way street. No back- ups. Small increments are important. If you ever are out of breath, feel stiff or sore, then you are probalby pushing too hard. If that happens, just back off a bit.

Good luck. Keep us posted.


No unfortunatly they don't have someone on staff. They do monitor my heart rate every 5 min. I am glad to know that it won't be long till I start feeling the results. I am getting somewhat sore but not as bad as I thought I would be. I stretch after every workout. It does feel good to be getting some excersise but I had a episode of dizziness during 2 workouts and shortness of breath. So I pulled back and slowed it down. I am going back to PCP on friday and I am planning to ask him about all this also but appreciate any suggestions and experinces from anyone that cares to share.
I work out at a Curves in my town. It has done wonders for my heart of late (decreasing an aortic regurge)

If I were you, I would be very careful with the machines right now. Don't push them, just do them lightly and slowly, particularly the upper body ones. Try to create as little resistance as possible.

Make note of how long it takes your heart rate to return to normal after you've worked out. Check with your doctor on max heart rate he recommends, but my guess is that you should be fine by following Curves standard Green range.

My cardio thinks Curves is a great concept and really encouraged me when I told her I was going to join.
Hi, Iwas going to Curves before I had my surgery, didn't think it could hurt me any. I loved going there. My cardiologist told me I could not go because even though there were not any free weights, the machines use your body weight for resistance. It may be too soon for you to use the machines. I would double check it with your MD. I'd hate to hear you damaged your valves.
Kathy H


I see you had your surgury in April of this yr. Does your doctor tell you that it is too soon for you to go right now or that you will never be able to go back? I had my valve job 2 months after you.