I have asked a similar question regarding having a cyst removed. A surgeon would have put me on Lovenox. My cardiologist was a little more up on the subject, and knew that that was no longer the official recommendation; he suggested I plan on a week in the hospital for what should be a simple outpatient surgery: three days on heparin for my INR to drop, and three days after surgery for my INR to rise again. I don't have that kind of time until the middle of the summer, and maybe not then.
Al Lodwick gave me the following reference:
I just found this. Give your doctor this reference.
Kovich, O. Thrombotic complications related to discontinuation of warfarin and aspirin therapy perioperatively for cutaneous operation. J m Acad Dermatol 2003 Feb;48 (2 Pt 2):233-237 (any librarian can look this up)
The authors are from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. They found (in a poll of 168 doctors) that when warfarin was withheld before skin surgery the risk of a clot doubled from 1 in 13,000 to 1 in 6,000. The clotting events were strokes, heart attacks, TIAs, DVT, PE, 1 clot in the eye leading to blindness and 3 deaths.
There was no increase in severe bleeding complications.
The authors call this, "a compelling argument to keep patients on medically necessary blood thinners during cutaneous operation."
I'm still looking for a surgeon to do the outpatient surgery on me. I've come to the realization that it is well worth it to travel a ways to find such a surgeon.