Going in early!

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Well-known member
May 12, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Due to a series of strange coincidences at work and with my surgeon I will be going in for my mitral repair on August 12 instead of in September. I am booked for my pre-op tomorrow, I am actually kind of relieved that I do not have to wait another month.
Best to all.
Hi John,

Good luck for tomorrow, The waiting can be stressful,write a list of questions you want to ask because when you get back home you wil say to yourself
I forgot to ask.........

Keep smiling

Hi John

To be perfectly honest with you, I think the waiting is probably the most stressful part, once you have made the decision to have it done. We were lucky. When Tyce had his done it was about 4 weeks from the time he got out of the hospital from his afib, had the surgeon's appointment and the following week was having the procedure....yes, it was stressful, but we both wanted it to be over and done with. The busier you keep yourself, the better. Good luck.

John, best of luck to you today with your appointment. I agree, I'd rather get in and get it done. Let us know how everything went.
Best wishes

Best wishes

I agree 100%, get it done and over with. The anticipation is the worst part. I wish you a quick & successful recovery. Hang in there! I'm praying for you.
Dawn :eek: