Going back under the knife!!

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Murfreesboro, TN USA
Hey everyone. Hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday season.

Just thought I would pass the word on to everybody here that I will be going under the knife again this Thursday at 12:30PM.

I think I've mentioned in some of my posts, that about 4 weeks post my mitral valve repair (Mid Nov), I started having major abdominal pains. Thought I had a bug initially. Was practically on the phone every day with the Cardiac floor explaining what I was going through. This wasn't just a little pain either. There were a couple days I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. They switched me from pepcid to prilosec for heart burn, and then ended up switching me to Nexium and added something called karafate that is supposed to help heal any stomach issues I might have. While all this was going on, I was able to determine that a very bland diet would help with the pain. Needless to say, I've lost 10lbs since mid November.

They initially thought I had a stress ulcer, as did I. I had three rounds of indomethicine to take care of some pericarditist that I had post-op. I was convinced I had an ulcer due to everything. Well, they put a scope down my throat last Thursday (12/13). Guess what. Everything was clean. Not even a hint of an ulcer. So the GI I had been set up with sent me in for a Hida scan to check my gall bladder output. They had done an ultra sound on my gall bladder at Vandy the week before to check for stones. That was clean too. So I went in on Friday (12/14) for the Hida scan. Let me tell you what. The pain I felt when they injected the medicine to make my gall bladder contract just about sent me over the edge. Thought I was going to throw up right there on the table. I'll take another heart surgery then deal with that pain. They had to give me four injections of the medicine so they could watch my gall bladder output.

So anyway, long story short, I got a call from the nurse for my GI about 3 hours later. Sure enough. My gall bladder is only putting out about half the output of a normal gall bladder. :confused:

So I met with a general surgeon just yesterday (Dr. Ray Hargreaves), and I am now scheduled to have my gall bladder removed this Thursday around noon. This is over at Saint Thomas hospital, right down the road from Vanderbilt.

The good news is that Dr. Petracek had a discussion with Dr. Hargreaves that is going to do the procedure to remove my gall bladder, and given me an all clear for the procedure.

What was amusing, was that the scheduler there at Dr. Hargreaves office was telling me that her husband just had his mitral valve repaired by Dr. Petracek as well. Sounded like it was around the time of my surgery. Funny that they didn't have his heart procedure done at Saint Thomas. Says a lot for Dr. Petracek.

So, my question for everyone is this. I have talked with my Cardiologist about what has happened. He said that there are times after a major surgery, that you can start having issues with another organ post-op. Does anybody know this is called? Or has anybody else experienced a problem such as this after a major heart surgery.

So, everybody wish my luck for this Thursday. It's outpatient, so I should be going home by 4:00. I hope that's the case. When I had a hernia repair back in 1990, I was supposed to go home the same day, but ended up staying overnight.
Sorry to hear this Jeff, but I put you on the calendar and I hope it turns out to be a one day surgery and uneventful recovery. You need to be up and running for the holidays!
Gee Jeff, this is a tough situation.

My sister-in-law had her gallbladder removed last summer, and recovered quickly. She has mitral valve prolapse but hasn't had surgery to replace the valve.

I don't know the answer to your other question, but I will make a mental note to never have a Hida scan. It sounds like you've been through the ringer.

Please let us know how you feel when you get some days between Thursday's operation and a few days recuperation.
Take care
Gall Bladder Issues

Gall Bladder Issues

I just spoke with a friend who experienced difficulties with his gall bladder and had it removed. His procedure was not complicated with any issues like recent OHS, but he did say after two gall bladder attacks he was ready to have it removed. Gall stones are pretty painful.

As far as surgeries go, he said it was pretty easy. He did the surgery while he was off for Thanksgiving and returned to work the following Monday.

Good Luck!


So sorry to hear all you have been through and that you now need gall bladder surgery. Wishing you a successful surgery and fast, easy recovery.
Please let us know how you are doing.
Hi Jeff -

What you were describing about some other organ having a problem after something bigger is repaired... I have heard talk about that before but I don't have any actual knowledge of it or what the phenomena might be called.

Also, I have a friend who is not young, nor is she healthy in the least, but she had her gall bladder out recently and she didn't have a bit of problem afterward and recovered almost immediately. I hope it goes that well for you.

[edit - For what it might be worth, I found one doctor's opinion here: http://www.medhelp.org/forums/cardio/messages/32647.html ]
Hi Jeff, Sorry you have to have another surgery so soon. I had my gallbladder out about 2 years ago. They found it by accident when I had an ultrasound of my liver. I had years of reflux, heartburn ect,(that I went to the doc for for years)and other really bad pain from time to time, then after my gallbladder came out it all went away. I had laproscopic and really only the hole in my bellybutton hurt at all. I talked to a few other people and they said the same thing. Good Luck, Lyn
ps Cort had his GB removed a few months before me, but I think his was a couple years after his last surgery
OMG, Jeff!

OMG, Jeff!

Hope you are back on the road to recovery ASAP. Not fair.....


Very sorry you are experiencing this. But, GOOD LUCK on the gallbladder removal surgery. Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL procedure.

I had my gallbladder removed a few days before New Year's Eve December 2005. That year, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I had major pains that rendered me at home for a day. I was fine Wednesday and ate a decent Thanksgiving meal on Thursday ... the last time we ate with Gramps (he died that year, December 9).

That next week, December 1, found me in the emergency room with severe abdominal pains. They gave me meds ... and I felt better ... much better. So, I went home. However, the pains returned later ... and I was out of work that entire month of December. The day Gramps died, I had a follow-up appointment with a doctor ... and he wanted me to have other tests done before they decided on the gallbladder. Went through the tests ... even had to go see my cardiologist in Chicago ... and finally was scheduled for gallbladder removal surgery just before New Year's Eve.

I now take Prilosec every day (along with my other meds) and try to watch what I eat.....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Another year comes to a close" ... Sylvia ... 'Reflections'
I'm sorry to hear you are having to go through another surgery. Good luck on an uneventful surgery and smooth recovery.
Pre-Op Done

Pre-Op Done

Just got back from the hospital. So it looks like I am ready to get this bad boy taken out of me.

The one good thing about having this surgery so close to my repair, is that I didn't have to get a chest x-ray or an EKG. Had plenty of those on file over at Vandy.

I'll make sure and post once I get home after the procedure. Hope to be home late in the day tomorrow, but if they decide to keep me overnight, I'm guessing it won't be the end of the world.

Looks like I'm going to be doing a lot of shopping on Christmas Eve!!!

Take care everyone.
sorry to hear about your bad luck, and hope it will be quick and painless.

As far as other things going wrong after major surgery or whatever, it is my personal opnion that when you put your body through a lot of stress (like any surgery), there is a possibility that other things that were borderline are just pushed over the edge by that physical stress.
netmiff said:
...As far as other things going wrong after major surgery or whatever, it is my personal opnion that when you put your body through a lot of stress (like any surgery), there is a possibility that other things that were borderline are just pushed over the edge by that physical stress.
This reminded me... years ago one of my relatives lost his gallbladder because of a diabetic med he was taking--the med has since been removed from the market--the surgeon said his gallbladder was "pussy and rotten!" The problem was initially discovered because the med required regular liver panels and the liver test had come back with a bad reading. The relative had no problems with the surgery and suddenly felt much better than he had.

I guess they'll be giving you IV antibiotics, Jeff? Take care and please post again when you can.
Sorry to hear that you have to go through another surgery. Wishing you the best of luck. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Well I don't think it's fair at all that you have to go back in for any kind of surgery so soon after OHS!! Bummer! But your attitude sounds great....and with others' comments, I hope you'll be sailing right back into a strong recovery soon.

Best wishes! You'll be in my thoughts.
