Go Pistons

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I am assuming I am the only one really following the NBA Finals on this Board, but I can't help it, I am loving the events!

I keep waiting for the "real" Lakers to show up and crush all our hopes! I am so happy and proud of our Pistons.

Could they possibly win the last one Tuesday! I hope. I really don't want them to go back to LA and besides, I think we deserve the win on home court!

Great going Pistons!
No you are not the only one.
Let's hope they can put it away tommorow night.
Just a little more luck in game two and it would already be over.
Hey Jean,
No you are not the only one following the NBA Finals. I am cheering on the Pistons just for you :D and next year you can cheer on the Nuggets for me :p
Let's hope the Pistons can take care of things tomorrow night.
Take Care
well after the "wheels" fell off the mighty Red Rings, someone had to pick up the slack fpr Detroit.