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Angioplasty ..again..sometime today, thanking everyone here for a warm welcome, and I shall report back as soon as I am out. Thankyou,Love Yaps :)
Hey Yaps,
I hope everything turns out OK for you today.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care
Hope all goes well for you today-make sure you let us know the results.
Im home

Im home

In January, 3 stents were put in my illleac?(sp) artery in my hip, in march I stumbled and twisted that hip, was in severe pain, docs kept saying it couldnt affect stents... well, since March the veins in this leg were bulging , leg and foot icy.. a lot of pain..they did a doppler and found blockages, had angio done Friday and now I am home..ahh home sweet home.. apparently twisting can do something, according to my cardio nurse... just letting all know ..be careful, all 3 of my stents had 100% blockages...Love Yaps
illiac arteries

illiac arteries

I was diagonosed when they did my angiogram prior to surgery that I had 80% blockage in the illiac artery in the groin area which was effecting the right side. I have had 3 tests on that side which determined nothing. When I walk for a long period of time, I get a sore right hip and butt along with the knee and calf.How bad did you get before they did something? I have had 2 knee surgeries to correct the constant pain. I think this is all related. The angiogram is supposed to be the "gold" standard.
It was bad

It was bad

for about 8 years, doc said it was my sciatic nerve and put me on neurontin... it never got better, than I had ohs and new valve, still was limping, couldnt sleep on right side, then as they went in last January for angio on my sub-clavien , he took a long route and checked my hip, put in 3 stents..first words out of me in recovery was; my hip isnt hurting'..lol...after 8 long years.Ive got arteriosclerosis, pretty bad it seems, and it is inherited. I remember my Grandfather , in his leg the entire artery was black.His toes and 1/2 his foot, they stripped the artery if I remember right. Just removed it? I was young so my memories may be faulty, but he had a black artery. Sisters help memories.Im 47 and they say I was born with this, had to have been. Love Yaps
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I might have had this since around 1999 when I started having trouble with my knee. This is very interesting. I do have varicose veins which are something all my Mom's family has and 4 pregnancies. I am an insurance agent so I do a lot of sitting so I thought it might be from this. I know he is going to keep an eye on it. I don't know why the angiogram was never ordered by either Drs. Who knows? Have to watch out for yourself in this life.
Oh Ive had so many

Oh Ive had so many

misdiagnosis's , lol, told chest pain and sob was emphysema, though meds never did help, but even with all the test's and an ekg .. they didnt know,lol, I can laugh now..hehee, they even thought I had an infection in my jaw as I was having the worst of a jaw ache..lol one very good sign for women, if your jaw just aches, no sign of why.. try to find agood cardiologist..fast!
After heart attack and surgeries , they say alas she is very sick...and has been for a while.
They are human and make mistakes, as I am thin , tend to work long hours and they didnt want to think it was my heart.
Women are still under the microscope as to symptons, I guess I am a statistic now..lol

Love Yaps