It was bad
It was bad
for about 8 years, doc said it was my sciatic nerve and put me on neurontin... it never got better, than I had ohs and new valve, still was limping, couldnt sleep on right side, then as they went in last January for angio on my sub-clavien , he took a long route and checked my hip, put in 3 stents..first words out of me in recovery was; my hip isnt hurting' 8 long years.Ive got arteriosclerosis, pretty bad it seems, and it is inherited. I remember my Grandfather , in his leg the entire artery was black.His toes and 1/2 his foot, they stripped the artery if I remember right. Just removed it? I was young so my memories may be faulty, but he had a black artery. Sisters help memories.Im 47 and they say I was born with this, had to have been. Love Yaps