Gnusgal and Debster913's procedures Monday, December 21

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Both Deb and Niki will be dealing with heart procedures this Monday. Deb has an electrophysiology study/ablation scheduled while Niki is supposed to have her ICD lead repositioned. Neither one sounds like much fun this close to the holidays.:( Please keep them both in your thoughts and prayers.
You will both be in my prayers. Wishing you successful procedures and speedy recoveries.
Keeping them both in my prayers and I hope they have a joyous Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Good luck Deb and Niki, we'll be thinking of you, keeping you close in prayer.
Deb and nikki

Deb and nikki

For both of you,my thoughts and prayers to you and your family's.

All the best.

zipper2 (DEB)
Thank you all. I'm trying to finish up all the last minute holiday cleaning (got caught short with the surgery tomorrow). My mother, sister, and nephew will be arriving tonight, so I'm sure I'll stay distracted until morning. I'm happy that I'm first thing in the morning, but in order to get there at 5:30 AM we'll have to leave no later than 4:45, which means waking up by 4:00 at the latest! :eek: Not my idea of vacation! ;)

I've resurrected my CaringBridge site and hopefully someone can update it for us. You can find it at
Niki and Deb,
I will be thinking of and praying for both of you tomorrow. I hope everything goes smoothly.

Deb and Niki ~ My best wishes and prayers are with you both tomorrow during your procedures. I hope they are both successful and that you'll both be well enough to enjoy the holidays.

prayers to wishes for uneventful recoveries. Christmas is the best time to witness God's miracles.

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