Glucosamine Chondroitin

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Dietary supplement.......Long word.:D Question?..anyone on coumadin take it..I have 2 friends and the Pharmacist told me today..that she takes it....suppose to support healthy joint funtion which I need.:p One is supose to take 2 a day....80 caplets..$35.00...I'm going to test my INR today and take 3 days worth and test again on the 4th day..If my range changes..will make my Hubby take them:D Bonnie
I've been taking Glucosamine for years. There have been times when I went off it, and I could really tell the difference. I don't take the chondroitin part, just the glucosamine. But others say the combo works very well for them. Glucosamine works as well as I want all by itself.

Hope they work well with your INR.


I googled and found that the Chondroitin..did carry a warning for those taking a blood thinner.....I took my INR..perfect, I will try this bottle for only 3 days and test again..the 4th day.....if it is higher..then, I will know to stop it.....Maybe then try just the Glucosamine?..Neighbor across the street ..started taking it when they discontinued Vioxx....she took it for back pain..and was out pulling weeds, ect...after starting G/C...My pharmacist said today..she takes it for her knees...and can tell..when she doesn't take it... Of course, they are NOT on coumadin... Will report back in a few days..Bonnie
I shall be waiting eagerly for your test results Bonnie...

My Arthritis has been playing up ever since I had to stop my arthritis pills before surgery and I have been wondering what I could take instead that wouldnt mess with my inr.
Bonnie, if the glucosamine chondroitin helps you, even if your inr goes up, why not just continue the g-c and increase your warfarin?

I had a dog on g-c years ago - had terrible hips - he did very well for a long time - until he decided he didn't want the meds anymore. There was no way I could disguise it. He went downhill from then. At that time it cost $65 per month for that pooch! (this was in the early '90s) Rx from the vet.
aussigal said:
I shall be waiting eagerly for your test results Bonnie...

My Arthritis has been playing up ever since I had to stop my arthritis pills before surgery and I have been wondering what I could take instead that wouldnt mess with my inr.

Celebrex works well for those joint and arthritus pains, why not take that since vioxx is off the market. you take Celebrex with your being on coumadin?..Had lunch with my sister today..and her doctor wants her to start taking it ( No heart problem)... but, she can barely walk with bad ankles... Tried other meds..tore her stomach up..she's hoping it (celebrex) will help.............Georgia..I really don't think it will help me..due to my lifestyle..I'm fine for weeks..then if I overdo with Grandkids, ect. ache...:p I normally wear EasySpirit shoes..but have been wearing summer slip-on's..Out and about, shopping,ect.. Legs hurt the next day.... Bought a new car a few months hurts, power steering not good...Need to trade again? :D HAVE to walk my dog..strong little thing pulling my arms...:eek: Hubby helps at night..I do the day thing.. and on and, I have to buy my supplies for my Protime..Cannot afford to test weekly..when I stay in range for 3-4 weeks testing. I would be a nervous wreck.. I have never changed my doseage in 4 plus years. 5 mg a day... I'm still taking it..alone with my Hubby..I will see in a few days what my INR is... If it is still stable..will continue another week.... I do not have arthritis...Just that joint pain from overdoing things. Mainly my shoulders.. Those pills are huge...We have to split them to swallow them.:D Bonnie
yes I do Bonnie and Al says its okay. It is a cox 2 instead of cox 1 like Ibprohen,motrin,etc. The cox 2 is easier on the stomach lining.

I have never seen anyone who had a problem with Celebrex. I have given talks for the company that used to market Celebrex. So you have to decide if I had to be sure that I knew what I was talking about because I was giving a presentation to a group of doctors OR am I prejudiced because I was paid well for giving these talks.
Al Lodwick, R.Ph.
Certified Anticoagulation Care Provider

I thought Celebrex was also under a similar cloud along with Vioxx?
and that it was withdrawn too, after the Vioxx was ? :confused:

or maybe only in Australia...

I know my mum who used Celebrex had to switch to Paracetamol/tylenol a while back, and I am fairly sure it was because they recalled it.
I was on/off Celebrex for a long time. quit using it every day because of stomach upset, but when joint things would get bad for me a Celebrex would cool it down. I still have some but seldom use any. My stomach has been a mess the past few months anyhow, from stress, and I don't want to add to the situation with an nsaid. It DOES work like a charm, but don't know about the INR factor, Bonnie. checked w/your pharmacist? Al?
I have taken Glucosamine for quite a while. I did not have any change in my INR when I started it. My cardio approved of me taking it
Regarding Celebrex

Regarding Celebrex

I have been taking Celebrex for some three years now without any issues and my doctor's had no problems with me continuing it after OHS. Taking presciptions meds requires the same thought that your diet does. And, as with your diet, Dose the meds, don't change the meds for the dose. I take some prescription drugs that are touchy to use with Warfarin, but like all other things, CONSISTANCY, is the word. As for the question of Celebrex being taken off of the market like Vioxx, it has not been removed from the market. And, as recently as last week, there was some question as to whether Vioxx was removed for good cause. There seems to be issues with the research that removed it. As for the glucosamine chondroitin sulfate, it is not effective on Rheumatoid Arthritis to any extent. It is vey effective though on the "wear and tear" type of arthritis.