Glenda, how did your first day go???????

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
We are nosy and dying to know. I just know it went great, but want to hear all about it. Sending hugs. J.
Thanks for asking. I had my first day of training last Thursday. I went in again yesterday and then I'll go in again tomorrow. My first full day by myself will be next Wednesday. I've also been asked to work on Friday mornings. It's so odd going back into ICU as a volunteer (helper) rather than a patient. I answer all the phone calls, the calls from the patients and do a lot of filing of test results. It's a very busy place but it makes the day go so fast. I'm really going to like it! I know most of the nursing staff and the doctor's. Some of the doctor's take a second look when they see me. I tell them, "No, I'm not a patient again. I'm here because I want to be here." They all think it's great. When I checked the admitting list the other day I noticed that one of my old teachers was in. I went and visited him and he was so surprised and thankful. What a blessing to be able to do this.

Janet, pertaining to your other post. Take Katie to Disneyland. It would be a wonderful trip for all of you. Don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. Live for today. I made a decision a long time ago that when I wake up every morning I have a choice: I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that don't work to good, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away just for this time in my life.

So my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories.
I had wondered how the volunteering was going. It sounds like you are enjoying it, and the people there are enjoying you!

Great advice to Janet. It's so good, I think I will follow it myself! Have you considered an advice column on the side? :D
Oh, Glenda.........

Oh, Glenda.........

I just knew this would be a perfect fit for you and sounds like it will be very fulfilling. It has to be destiny. What are the odds that you would "rediscover" one of your old teachers the first day on the job? It's too bad we can't clone you and put you in all the hospitals.

And thank you for the sound advice. I particularly like the part about depositing happiness in our memory bank. Now, if I could just wholeheartedly adopt your upbeat outlook on life, I'd be set.

Good luck on your first full day and please feel free to let us know how that goes, too. Hugs. J.
Bless you Janet & Mary. Truthfully there are moments when I'm not so upbeat. I can put on a great act! But, I really think it is the trials and the valleys that you go through that makes a person strong and a survivor. I am a very strong willed person and it does take a lot to get me down. God has a way of putting me in my place (usually on my knees, LOL,) It's amazing what God can do through an individual if we just let Him. That's the problem sometimes I forget to ask and even if I ask I still want to control the situation, but I'm learning to lean more and more each day. Maybe it's taken all the cancers, heart problems, etc. to get my attention. My goodness, has He ever got my attention through these past five years! That's the reason I agreed to volunteer at the hospital. Just maybe I can give a little back to someone else in need.