Glenda, Glenda, Glenda

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Glenda said:
Well as a matter of fact, I got one of my real extensive tests back from the doctors yesterday and my leukemia is on the rage again. It has laid dormant for so long that I was hoping it was all gone. No such luck! I knew my old body was trying to tell me things were just not right. I'm soooooo tired all the time and my joints, muscles and bones have been hurting so bad. But, this is just another bump in the road and as always I'll give it my best shot. I'm sure the doctor will have me double up on my chemo/cancer medicine "Gleevec" which I hate. One pill gives me so many side effects, you can imagine what two does.

Harry, thanks so much for asking. I appreciate your concern. You are a very special internet friend! !


When were you going to share this news with us? If Harry hadn't specifically asked, would you have said anything?
I never ask you any questions, because you are always so positive and I assume everything must be Okey Dokey in your world.
I can't imagine how you do what you do.
You are one heck of a woman. I am going into double- duty work mode saying my prayers to ask for some relief for the "bumps" you seem to keep hitting.
Glenda, I'm sorry to hear this report. I and my wife will be praying for you. You positive attitude is amazing and inspiring.

Best wishes,
Wise & Cindy
She stays far too quiet, sometimes is gone and then this slips out.

Glenda you have all I can muster coming your way.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure God will help you through this time also. Keep smiling - a great healing tool (but, then, you probably already know that).
Glenda, I'm sorry. You are in my prayers. I think we read from the same book, sing from the same hymnal, and know in our hearts that in the end all really will be well. God Bless.
So sorry to read this Glenda, but I know that if positive attitude counts at all, and I believe it does, you will beat this too! You are such an inspiration to us all and you have all our prayers and good wishes.
Glenda, you have my prayers. You have dealt with so much and have done so with such grace - you are a true example of how to live.


My twin sorry to hear of this....but I know you are one tough cookie :p Anyone who can bushhog, use a post-hole digger and ride a 4 wheeler thrugh the this heat... :D will come through this latest news...Please let us know how you fare with new meds.....or I will send Ross out to Mo..with his dawgs.... :D I know that there are many prayers coming your way from your sisters and brothers on this site.. :) :) :) :) Take care..Bonnie
Bless you guys! You made me cry. I have kinda of withdrawn into myself here lately. I should have known that something was going on with my old body. Then on top of everything else my dear aunt died. I had sit with her night and day for three weeks. No wonder my counts are our of whack. I am emotionally & physically exhausted. I haven't slept through the night in weeks. In fact last night I had a dream about my Aunt Wanda. It was so very real! ! It's like she is trying to commuicate with me through my dreams. We are going to the lake over the 4th. The last time we were down there she was with us. Her and I went to the grocery store and we talked very seriously about her upcoming lung surgery. Deep down she knew she wasn't going to make it and I had to agree with her. I told her to not worry that we would take care of Uncle Russ. I had a big dinner for her and had some more family over. I'm so glad I did because that was her last time at the lake. My uncle is going with us this week-end and this is going to be very hard on him. Bless his heart. They had 56 years wonderful years together. I know she is in heaven and not hurting any more but I sure miss her.

Thanks again everyone for your prayers. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I look around and see people a lot worse off than I am. I'm one of the lucky ones. And, I also know that God's arms are around me. He is my strength! !
Oh, Glenda!

Oh, Glenda!

Glenda. Sorry the news isn't good, but glad that you are taking it in the bravest and most positive way! Just like you!!

Sorry, too, about your aunt. It sounds like you were very, very close. Believe in your dreams. You just never know. I had a childhood friend die an unexpected death. I had nightmares about her for awhile. Then, she came to me in a dream, looking so say good bye, it seemed. It was quite lovely for me, since I never had the chance to say goodbye to her. Of course, many will say that dreams are wish fulfillment, and perhaps that is all this one was. But it was so real. In the long run, it only matters to the soul who dreamt it!

Wishing you a lovely weekend at your lake. Your uncle will feel lucky to have such loving family around him.

Best wishes for your own health.

:) Marguerite
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Stay strong.

Stay strong.


You have such a great attitude. It's so amazing what a difference that makes.

Just know that we are thinking about you and how much love you have coming your way. That's such scary news... you are tough. Hang in there.
Glenda, you must have been Attila The Hun On Wheels in your last life.

In this one, you're an icon of sweetness and strength. You are in my heart, and I wish the source of your strength to be steady and strong.

Gleevik 2 is out. Does it hold any prospects for you?

Very best wishes,
Oh, Glenda, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. You have got to be one of the strongest members of this forum.
Hey Glenda,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sorry to hear you are dealing with this now.
Take Care
One More Thing Glenda...

One More Thing Glenda...

I wish I were there with you to give you a great big hug! You are the strength to keep all of us going-Thank You...Thank You....and THANK YOU! With much respect and love, Harrybaby :D :D :D


I am so sorry to hear this latest news..........

I have got to sit down and read that book entitled Why Bad Things Happen to Good People . I have had it for years, but can't ever seem to make myself sit down and read it. I always figured I must not truly be good, but hearing this, I know I must read it now.

So many people inspire me on this site, but you are my number one inspiration..................your positive outlook, your compassion for others and your unwavering faith. I think you must be an angel in disguise!

I'm sending all my love, lots of prayers, and many hugs. Janet
Glenda, you are in my prayers, Im so sorry this is happening to you. :(
I'm so sad to read this Glenda! But you're a strong lady and you'll beat this thing again!
Sending love and strength across the pond to you!
You are in my daily prayers.

gijanet said:
I am so sorry to hear this latest news..........

I have got to sit down and read that book entitled Why Bad Things Happen to Good People . I have had it for years, but can't ever seem to make myself sit down and read it. I always figured I must not truly be good, but hearing this, I know I must read it now.

It's a WONDERFUL book. When the book first came out, our Sunday school class at First United Methodist Church in Fort Worth had a lesson based on the book.

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