Glad to be home and alive!!!!!!!!!

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I climbed the "Mountain" as alot of you say. My surgery was uneventful which was just fine by me. The trip home was crazy with delays in airports. but somehow after 12 Hr trip home. I made it.

Dr H. schaff was unable to repair my valve so chose a mechanical valve.

Glad to be home and recovering!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for kfay for posting and thanks all for your support

Great news! Twelve hours of travel sounds grueling. Breakfast and a shower was about half a day's effort for me the first week. Rest a bit, then start whatever walking your discharge instructions call for. Hope your recovery continues uneventful.
Welcome to your new life. If you have troubles with your INR, come see us in the anticoag forum and we'll help you. Most everyone does have trouble, so if you do, it may not be you at all.
Welcome home. So happy to hear all went well.

How in the world did you manage 12 hours of travel? No way I could have coped with that days after either of my surgeries. It's wonderful you are strong enough to do that.

Now rest and let your body heal. It's been through a lot.
Welcome home. Rest up from the trip and then start walking and living your new healthy life!
Fellow mechanical tick tock here!! wishing you well on the next phase of your journey.

It's rock 'n roll time now, getting your life back. :cool:

Ain't it sweet?! ;)
Welcome home! You do what you have to do, don't you? That was way too long an airport odyssey. Good for you for staying in good spirits.

Congratulations on your surgery! Now remember, there will be ups and downs and not every day will feel like a day forward all day long, so just take it easy. Don't be shy to ask us questions while you're recovering.

Be well.

Glad to hear you are home. That in itself makes us feel better. I can not imagine traveling 12 hours right away. Hope you have an uneventful recovery.
Welcome back,so glad to see your post and all the best

for the rest of recovery

zipper2 (DEB)
Gary, Once again, welcome home. I'm glad everything went smoothly. Take it easy and heal!

Blessed Be

Blessed Be


You not only came through the surgery with flying colors, you also navigated oone of this country's airports to get home.

Three Cheers for you. And, then three more cheers for you.

Nice to know that you had a good experience and that you are firmly on the road to recovery.

Kind regards,
