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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
I've been off birth control for about 2 years now...found out I had been on the Depo injection longer than recommended (too long may lead to bone loss...). No big deal, wasn't seeing anyone anyway. After a year, finally started to get a regular period again-and hating it again. Went to gynocologist for regular exam recently and asked about starting the depo again. She was concerned about my kidney function and the Depo (it had been getting wonky, but is better now).

Asked about the pill, but again she had concerns-my mother died of breast cancer before menopause and the risk of clots with my stenosis.

Not a candidate for IUD, either.

I like this doctor, but she is admittedly unfamiliar with CHD patients. My cardio hasn't been much help, either. I'm curious about advice others have gotten from their doctors.

Mostly, i'm hoping to avoid the monthly aggravation...(that and I'd like to be more prepared when a friend from another state is back for a visit!)

Sorry, m'dear, I can't help. I've been spayed for years. All I can say is I'm so grateful not to know what week it is!

I wonder if the people who have congenital heart issues may be able to refer you to a gyno in the Houston area who has experience with heart patients?? After all, they'd be more likely to need a gyno with that experience for the younger women. Many, if not most of us, are past child bearing.

You might post your question to one of those forums.
Hi Tass,
Hope the PM I sent you was helpful.
Often, doctors recommend the Mirena IUD which is not contraindicated for Congenital Heart disease patients. However, it may be a contraindication for some for other reasons.
Spayed! <VBG> I'll have to do some more looking. It would be nice to find a GP or Internist who seemed to have a handle on all the issues. Might be asking too much, however.

I'm thinking I need to find a CHD doc since the current cardio. doesn't seem to have a problem with my SOB/swelling ankles (even after I went to a vascular surgeon who said no chance the swelling was due to venous reflux). GP doesn't have an answer, either. Meanwhile, I feel lousy. Spent 3 days helping at a herding trial and was literally exhausted for a solid week after.

I asked about this, but she said I didn't have the history to indicate this would be helpful (I guess for insurance purposes). Believe me, I asked about all of it.

Doc did approve the Depo inj. since my recent bloodwork said my kidney numbers were back up to acceptable levels. Yay.
Hmmm, you've got regurge, extreme fatigue, swollen ankles and SOB and your cardio is not concerned? Ummmm, time for a second opinion about when you're going to need surgery. Those are symptoms which should be taken seriously! The reproductive tract issue can wait.

I am perhaps overly sensitive about doctors who don't listen to a patient's concerns and dismiss symptoms of congestive heart failure - which those are. I nearly died because my internist didn't think a 46 year old woman could possibly have a heart problem and run dog agility, despite constant coughing, 15 lb water weight gain, heart palpitations (a-fib), inability to take a deep breath, inability to speak without gasping for air, and exhaustion. Yeah, that wasn't bronchitis.

Oh, yes, I could, and did, run agility, with Class IV CHF in fact. Right up until 10 days before my MVR, aka I had agility class the day before I first saw the cardio and he told me to check into the hospital.
I'm going to try to get a referral from my gp to see a ACHD doc here in Houston. So not happy with the current one.

Thanks for the feedback. Sometimes I just feel like I can't get anyone to listen.
