Getting Tired......

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
Just thought that I would post and let you all know that I am going in for my next echocardiogram on June 20th. I think things may be changing because I have been feeling more and more fatigued lately, and have been needing to take a nap in the afternoons. There is one question that I would like to ask, and that is: Has anyone else here on had stabbing pains that go from the heart area right through to the back between the shoulder blades? I have also been having more of those, and I just thought I would see what other members thought. Thanks for any input in advance. Harrybaby666 :D
Harrybaby666 said:
Hi Gang,
Just thought that I would post and let you all know that I am going in for my next echocardiogram on June 20th. I think things may be changing because I have been feeling more and more fatigued lately, and have been needing to take a nap in the afternoons. There is one question that I would like to ask, and that is: Has anyone else here on had stabbing pains that go from the heart area right through to the back between the shoulder blades? I have also been having more of those, and I just thought I would see what other members thought. Thanks for any input in advance. Harrybaby666 :D


i HAVE. I wrote a post just today regarding the pains. Mine are under my ribs (left side) and under the armpit left side. When I get them they increase with exertion.
They can be angina, or they can be from the intercostals (small muscles between the ribs). The sympathetic nervous system is very mischievious in the chest area. Intercostal pulls can sincerely mimic heart attack, and can throw a strong man on his back, unable to take a full breath, and feeling squeezed like a vise.

There is no way to know for sure other than to visit the hospital or a cardiologist.

Now, Cory, I know you're a smart fellow. I've read your posts, and you've ingested a large amount of information in a very short time - under duress, no less. If you thought for a moment that that pain might be from your heart, could you tell me how it is that you came to know that it gets worse with exertion? :eek:

You're not alone. I would (and have) tried it, too, just to find out. :D

Still, we should both be too smart to do things like that. If it had been a heart attack, we would have made matters worse for ourselves.

Best wishes,
Guys, I suggest seeing dr for any chest pains.. I ignored my angina to the point it nearly killed me..go see a dr asap.... just a pups point of veiw..
tobagotwo said:
They can be angina, or they can be from the intercostals (small muscles between the ribs). The sympathetic nervous system is very mischievious in the chest area. Intercostal pulls can sincerely mimic heart attack, and can throw a strong man on his back, unable to take a full breath, and feeling squeezed like a vise.

There is no way to know for sure other than to visit the hospital or a cardiologist.

Now, Cory, I know you're a smart fellow. I've read your posts, and you've ingested a large amount of information in a very short time - under duress, no less. If you thought for a moment that that pain might be from your heart, could you tell me how it is that you came to know that it gets worse with exertion? :eek:

You're not alone. I would (and have) tried it, too, just to find out. :D

Still, we should both be too smart to do things like that. If it had been a heart attack, we would have made matters worse for ourselves.

Best wishes,


I am uncertain it is from the heart, not able to diagnose it BUT it is the pain that got me the the ct scan and found my Aneurysm. Let me try to clarify it a little discomfort is more the word and I can certainly say that it was not a heart attack (don't think it is possible to carry the symtoms for a few days on and off) as it has appeared 2-3 times (in 7-10 day durations except for now) over the last 6 months. When it happened 6 mths ago it went away a week later but the pain itself (when it is occuring) would get sharpeningly worse when I walked or pulled (ex: It became uncomfortable 3 weeks ago when I got up to exit a plane, once I got into the terminal and began pulling my pc bag and luggage, trying to catch my next flight it got sharper, as I slowed down or sat it gave up a little) something.

That is the best I can explain it. Yesterday I got it while driving the car after the hospital for pre-op testing and it stayed with me on and off for the rest of the day (I also slept terribly last night, heart beating very strongly but not to fast 80-90bpm i AM GUESSING). Today I have been symtom free pretty much. Just wondering if something I am doing or stress is causing the Aneursym to create some discomfort from within? I hope so as I cannot find anything else wrong.

Any ideas

You haven't been too close to any sharp knifes lately, have you????? :eek: :D

The one thing I never experienced when my heart started going South is chest pains. Never had any. Just the shortness of breath, loss of pep, etc. that got worse.

Hope they find out what is causing this latest rash of problems. Prayers and good thoughts are continuing your way.

Good Luck and,

May God Bless,

Hi Harry, you certainly need to get that checked out! One thought I have is that it might not be cardiac related, but possibly gall bladder problems? That is what I felt like when I was having gall bladder "attacks". Either way, it should be checked out.

Could the tiredness be from the apnea? Are you doing OK with the CPAP?

Good luck on the next echo.

Take care!
Hi Nan...

Hi Nan...

Nan said:
Hi Harry, you certainly need to get that checked out! One thought I have is that it might not be cardiac related, but possibly gall bladder problems? That is what I felt like when I was having gall bladder "attacks". Either way, it should be checked out.

Could the tiredness be from the apnea? Are you doing OK with the CPAP?

Good luck on the next echo.

Take care!

I just got checked on my sleep apnea and they said I am 100 percent compliant and everything is going as it should (Thank God, at least one of my medical problems is under control). As for the Gaul bladder, I had mine removed back in 1997, as it seems that when you are diabetic, as I am, the gaul bladder is the first thing to go. lol. I will be getting this checked out, especially since I am getting really fatigued. It seems like I want to sleep all the time, and I have noticed that when I wake up in the morning, I am feeling really weak. I have been told that when one has Congestive Heart Failure, as I do, that anemia is a common side effect, so that shall be checked too. Now on to you...How are you feeling? How's your CPAP? I hope you are doing alot better with it, please let me know as I am really interested. Take care, Harrybaby
:D :D :D :D
Nope...No Sharp Knives...LOL

Nope...No Sharp Knives...LOL

gadgetman said:

You haven't been too close to any sharp knifes lately, have you????? :eek: :D

The one thing I never experienced when my heart started going South is chest pains. Never had any. Just the shortness of breath, loss of pep, etc. that got worse.

Hope they find out what is causing this latest rash of problems. Prayers and good thoughts are continuing your way.

Good Luck and,

May God Bless,


I hope they will find something this time, so that I can get it taken care of and get on with things. I have also noticed that my breathing is getting really labored lately as well, so hopefully this means things will be taken care of soon. Thanks for the encouragement. Harrybaby
:D :D :D
Hi Harry!

Hi Harry!

I had my aortic valve replaced and my ascending aortic anuerysm/dissection fixed 2 1/2 years ago. I recently posted about some shoulder pain I was having. One night while holding my 3 year old I had a sharp pinching sensation that went straight from the front of my left shoulder to the back of my left shoulder. After that for days my shoulder felt sore. It hurt more when I moved in certain ways. I went to see my internist and he told me that it was muscle pain. It slowly got better over the next few days, but about 2 weeks later I was reaching up to open a kitchen cabinet and I felt a sharp pinching again in the back of my left shoulder. Then my shoulder bacame very sore again. It was sore in the back of my shoulder and also sore where the flabby part of your arm is. That got better as the days passed and now I only have pinching sensations sometimes in my shoulder areas. I haven't had the soreness for a few weeks, knock on wood. My doc told me that I need to strengthen my chest and upper back shoulder muscles and that it should improve as I get stronger. I haven't really done much for the muscles of my chest and back since my surgery. I also have cracking that happens in my shoulder areas as well. Mostly my left shoulder.
So, it is possible that your pain could be muscle related but you should definitely check with your doctor to make sure. There is always a chance that it could be related to your heart or the anuerysm. Better to be safe than sorry. Let us know how things go.

Take Care!
Hi Harry,
sorrry I can't help on your pain questions but I tend to go with the 'if you don't know what it is then get it checked out' train of thought.

Hope the echo shows nothing but improvements and the tiredness is just down to over-exertion!

love Emma


Thanks for the information on the intercostal muscles. It helps to explain the front and back shoulder pains I have been having along with muscle soreness. My doc told me it was muscle pain but when you have been through what we have been through or about to go through, you always think it is your heart. My doc just never was very specific about the muscle groups and how it all worked. Your info really helped me understand better. But I went to stress again to others that when you have this kind of pain or any other types of pain you are not sure about, please get it checked out to be safe.

Take Care!f
Harry, I wish I was there to give you a big hug. My prayers and thoughts are with you. It's not fair that one person has to go through so much and you have my friend. Hang tough and remember we are all there for you.
Wishing you the best!

Wishing you the best!

Hi Harry, I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you and hope you get better soon. What has your doctor said about it? By the way, any news about Bruce's mum? You haven't mentioned her for a while.
Take care,
Getting tired

Getting tired

Am so glad I am not just over exaggerating things. i get a second opinion on the valve replacement or repair of my mitral and tricuspid valve on monday (june 6) In meantime , while waiting, I just feel so tired and very little exertion makes me just want to lie down. Also can't seem to get enough sleep altho take an ambien each night. so good to hear other people with similar feelings and problems. Will try to keep up with things better. Flo
Hi Debora...

Hi Debora...

deboraginastewart said:
Hi Harry, I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you and hope you get better soon. What has your doctor said about it? By the way, any news about Bruce's mum? You haven't mentioned her for a while.
Take care,

I go to see Dr. Cutler on June 20th (figures, three days after I turn OLD..LOL) Anyway, I have an echocardiogram then I have a followup visit with him right after the echocardiogram, and hopefully this will tell me more. As for Bruce's mum, she is really rallying, and to be honest, I am angry at the fact that these "nurses" have told Bruce that it would be within 2 to 5 days, and Jeannette is still hanging in there. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see her feeling better and eating, but these nurses have 1. really upset a bunch of people needlessly, and 2. They have made a fool out of all of us involved. They still say that she is dying, but they can't seem to get their story straight, and frankly, I am really embarrased.

How is my favorite little hot dog, Milady doing? I hope she is right back to her old self and giving you a bunch of laughs and hugs. Let me know how she is doing ok? Harrybaby666 :D :eek: :mad: :D :eek: :D :eek: :mad: :D
Thanks Glenda....

Thanks Glenda....

Glenda said:
Harry, I wish I was there to give you a big hug. My prayers and thoughts are with you. It's not fair that one person has to go through so much and you have my friend. Hang tough and remember we are all there for you.

I am holding in there, although, I have to wonder, just how many illnesses can a person have, and I have spoken to my minister and my therapist and told them that I am just tired of being sick, and they have really stood behind me as well as everyone here, and you have been a rock for me to lean on as a pillar of strength and I sure appreciate it. I am hoping that the echo on June 20th will tell me more as I am really starting to feel things that I shouldn't be feeling.

How are you feeling Glenda? I hope your getting your rest and still doing what you want to do. Thanks for your support and Bless you and Hugs coming to you from me. Harrybaby
:D :D :D
Hi Flo.....

Hi Flo.....

Flo said:
Am so glad I am not just over exaggerating things. i get a second opinion on the valve replacement or repair of my mitral and tricuspid valve on monday (june 6) In meantime , while waiting, I just feel so tired and very little exertion makes me just want to lie down. Also can't seem to get enough sleep altho take an ambien each night. so good to hear other people with similar feelings and problems. Will try to keep up with things better. Flo

No, you aren't exaggerating maybe feeling this way because people who are not in your body don't understand, and this is why is wonderful, because everyone here DOES understand what is going on and are here because they want to be and want to support others. I am the same way as far as fatigue minute I go through a period where I don't want to do anything but sleep, and other times I have a bad case of insomnia, and I also take ambien on the nights when I just can't get to sleep. I have noticed that this has been happening more and more lately. Please know that you are not alone, and lean on me anytime you need to...Harrybaby
:D :D :D :D :D


Harry, thanks for asking. I know how much you've grown to like her even though you've never seen the wee thing. She's doing great now. I've written about it on my first thread and then on another called Milady's full of beans where I've also posted a couple of photos of her taken this afternoon. Go there and see it for yourself! LOL!!
Débora :)

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