Getting Tired Very Easily and SOB on Exhertion

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Guys and Gals,

I know I haven't posted much in a while, but I thought I would post and see what you all thought about this.....I went away these past 4 days to see my grandmother and parents to help them both out, and I got the opportunity to do what I really love, which is swim, swim and swim some more. I have noticed though that while swimming, that I started to feel pressure and chest pain and got SOB while swimming and therefore, I ended up more or less "soaking" in the lake as opposed to active, full force swimming. I seem to do ok when I am not exherting myself, but when I start to do anything, I start to feel lousy and I get really tired....Do you all think that things can be actually changing with my heart? Thanks in advance, Harrybaby:D :eek: :eek: :D P.S. I forgot to add that when I stopped swimming, the symptoms subsided. H.
Harry, if I were you I'd hotfoot it to the cardio. Not to be an alarmist, but these are not good symptoms to have!
Whenever there are changes in how you feel, and you have a known heart problem, it is very prudent to get in to see the doc asap. Let us know how that goes.
Speaking of SOB, like Harry describes, some days I feel really strong, and then there are days I feel I get SOB very easily. For example, yesterday I went for a walk on the beach, and when walking back to my car, I had to go through a very sand filled dune. I was gasping really hard and had to stop every few feet. It took a long time to recover. I had been on this beach a few times during the last weeks, but I was shocked a bit at my struggle!:eek:

Does anyone else feel like this at times? I have not had VR, but have had OHS, a heartblock regulated by a pacemaker, a few eblations to fix aryhmias. Is this a pre VR symptom?

Harrybaby, I hope all is ok and that you get stronger and are able to swim again without worry! :)
LadyBlue said:
Speaking of SOB, like Harry describes, some days I feel really strong, and then there are days I feel I get SOB very easily. For example, yesterday I went for a walk on the beach, and when walking back to my car, I had to go through a very sand filled dune. I was gasping really hard and had to stop every few feet. It took a long time to recover. I had been on this beach a few times during the last weeks, but I was shocked a bit at my struggle!:eek:

Does anyone else feel like this at times? I have not had VR, but have had OHS, a heartblock regulated by a pacemaker, a few eblations to fix aryhmias. Is this a pre VR symptom?

Harrybaby, I hope all is ok and that you get stronger and are able to swim again without worry! :)

I noticed you were born w/ TOF, Justin was born w/ TGA and part of his repair (the rastelli) involved a conduit no pulm valve from his right ventricle to pulm artery. before he had his conduit replaced and got a pulm valve, he was still very active, snowboarding baseball ect, but didn't realize until after his surgery just HOW SOB or tired he was before that, your walking thru the dunes reminded me of how tired he got the summer before when carrying the surfboard back to the boardwalk he thought it was just normal, since it is kind of hard to walk thru the sand sometimes . this summer he has absolutely no problem
I know they are watching your AV, but was wonderring about your origonal repair and what they did to help your PS?
BTW I don't know if I asked before , but did you ever check out the forums at the Adults w/ CHD site? Lyn
Hi Harry, sorry you are dealing with this stuff again. I agree that you should get it checked out. It could be cardiac or pulmonary or it could be that you haven't been swimming like that for a while and you are out of condition. But as you have known health issues, please get yourself checked out!!

You take care of yourself, please!
Hey Harry,
I just wanted to mention that anytime I've had a layoff from swimming, I find that I tend to overdo when I return to it, and I'm always surprised that I tire so easily and I'm maybe even a little SOB.
Many nonswimmers, who do other aerobic exercise, have told me that they are surprised at how out of breath and tired they feel after a swim.
I hope you feel better soon.