i haven't even had my surgery yet which is on the 28th and already i am getting the blues. i am worried that they will find something else wrong when they do my heart cath on the 26th two days before surgery. I try to keep my mind occupied but it seems as the day gets closer i get more bouts of depression. sometimes i can snap out of it and other times like last night i am thinking about it all night. So much so that i can't even pay attention to a t.v. show or a movie i have sat down to watch. i know that i am in the best hands at cleveland clinic and keep telling myself that but it doesn't seem to help at times. i am sure everyone goes through this when you have life-altering time like this and i know that this is probably normal. i am worried that if i am getting depressed now what will it be like after surgery when i am even more restricted on the things i can do while i am recovering. Anyone have any pointers on how to get past the blues?