getting off atenolol

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
some of you have said you had trouble getting off atenolol? What sort of trouble?

My dr took me off it a little over a month ago. I have been taking it since at least 2000. I have felt really sick starting about a week after cessation of atenolol. Could this be it?

My dr replaced atenolol with toprol.
I don't know that it would make you feel sick. I would be more concerned that it was the Toprol that I had just started taking, rather than the Atenolol I had stopped.

There are also some bugs still going around, so it might be more mundane than that.

When going of Atenolol, it's best to wean yourself off slowly, but that's mostly for arrhythmias. And your doctor's experience may be that the Toprol will just pick up where the Atenolol left off.

You can also ask your druggist.

Best wishes,