Getting nervous...

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May 22, 2011
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Hi all! I am having my AVR on Thursday, tomorrow is my pre-op day of clinic, and I am just about as nervous as I can get...I have been anticipating this day for all of my 32 years, so I can't tell if I'm excited or actually really scared...Wish me luck, I will keep you all posted when I'm on the "other" side...
I remember being more nervous than usual (I'm not normally at all) 2 days prior, but the day before and morning of, I was eager and ready to get it over with. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
May you have nice doctors and nurses, and may you recover easily and fast! I was not nervous until the day of my surgery, at 5am I noticed my hands were a little shaky. But, then they have you shower and keep you busy until you are drugged for the trip to the surgery room. I have only seen that room once, and I found it facinating. Nothing like what I thought it would look like.
Hi there! I remember the day before my surgery, they gave me a little pill to help me sleep. The next day was my surgery and was kinda excited??? Its 2 weeks today and the only thing that i battle everyday is sleeping through the night! See you on the other side!

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