Getting My Life Back

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
:D :D :D i FINALLY FEEL LIKE I am going to have some thing resembling a normal life. I still have some visual problems, still walk with a walker and can't hear much out of my left ear.Considering I was a hairs breath away from death a year ago I feel fortuniate to be alive!!!! A lot of prayers, good doctors and tons of love from my family are what got me through my nightmare.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

I have often thought of you this past year..Bet Ross will be sooo excited when he sees your post....We looked all over LA...for you..Figured the school county out..but couldn't find any info...Let us know more about your Rehab when you feel up to it...Bonnie
Excited is an understatement!!!! HELLO LETTITIA! I'm so very happy to see you post, you have no idea. You've been burning on my mind heavily ever since I last talked to you on the phone. Man it's great to see back!

I don't know what to say. If I could jump all around the room and scream into the hills, I would! :D :D :D

Welcome back!! We were all so worried for such a long time, and there was no way to find out how you were doing. We searched everywhere on the NET. It is just wonderful to see your post. Congratulations on making it through what must have been a nightmare, judging from the length of time you have been away.

Stay with us this time, promise.
YAY, LETTITIA IS BACK!!! Welcome home!! I'm so glad to hear from you. Just keep on keepin' on, girl!!! Welcome back, you have definitely been on my mind.


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