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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Houston, Tx
Last Friday had a TEE done, today spoke with the surgeon. Set June 10 as the date for my AVR and root replacement. I get a twofer! I go in Thursday for all the preop tests/consultations. Hope the surgeon will be able to spare my valve, as the TEE showed it in good shape. He said he'd make that decision once he saw things directly. I've decided to go with a tissue valve, betting that in 10-20 years the art/science will have evolved sufficiently to permit replacement via catheter. Thanks to all who've posted here-your personal experiences, sense of humor and compassion have helped put me at ease (as much as can be...). Being a type A personality, it's hard to surrender control of pretty much anything, but in this case I have no choice. See you on the other side of the mountain!

Best Wishes to you Joe. Hope all goes well for you. I too tend to try to control everything (my kids call me bossy). Anyway, just give yourself the time to let go. Those doctors and nurses have done this routine many many times and so when I went in for my surgery, I figured that they knew the ropes better than I did, so I said to myself. Give them the control stick for a little while. Hope to hear from you real soon. :)
Welcome Joe, I see Monday is your day, I will be sending good thoughts and vibes your way for a smooth surgery and recovery. You will do just fine, and the surgeon will fix all the plumbing as needed. All you have to do is show up, I'm a type A also, I worried for two months waiting for my call, all for nothing. Today being 6 months on the other side I am so grateful for the good functioning valve I have now, and for the medical professionals that took care of me.

We will be looking for your post op posts when you feel up to it. Take care.
Thanks...have had a good weekend-my daughter graduated from high school, a house full of relatives, and now as they depart the reality of going in for surgery tomorrow is setting in. I'll see you all on the other side of the mountain.