Gallbladder Surgery

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jane v

Hi everyone,
in a few weeks, I will be getting my gallbladder removed. Ideally lap, although radiation/scar tissue may turn it into abdominal. I am on Jantoven 6/7/6 and home test weekly. I am to hold medicine on Sat eve, enter hospital on Sun am and start heparization. Surgery is for Tues am and I will be in the hosptal until INR is up again. I have my cardiologists team working with the surgeons' office. Any advice??
jane v
Mitral Valve Replacement
It sounds like reasonable protocol Jane. Best wishes! I'm hoping they can do it through the scopes.
There seems to be a lot of that going around lately...

There seems to be a lot of that going around lately...

I just had mine out last Friday. Not much fun, but pretty minor compared to OHS. I can't really give you any advice on the anti-coagulation issue though, I was only on Coumadin for 8 weeks after my repair. It seems to me though that I read somewhere in my pamphlet that if one was on blood thinners, one was supposed to stop them a week before the gallbladder surgery! I was really glad I wasn't on them, because that seems a bit ridiculous to me.

I had the lap surgery and have nine staples in my abdomen at the moment. There are two of them just above my navel and I have decided (not that I'd ever considered it with this body), that I DON't EVER WANT A BELLY BUTTON RING! :eek: They're driving me nuts, because my skin is very sensitive and seems to be reacting to the metal. Thank God I get to have them removed on Friday.

Good luck with your surgery, I know there are others here who have had theirs removed while on blood thinners, Cort, (Knightfan) is one of them I believe.