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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I was watching Fox News out of New York this morning..They were interviewing a man in Wi..that grows cabbage and makes sauerkraut...Some one had claimed that eating sauerkraut would keep you free of the Bird Flu...and the amount of vitamins in it....Vitamin K was big on the list.... so, I thought, well, I am on coumadin and I can eat some sauerkraut on my hot dog the next time my INR is high..and avoid the Bird Flu at the same time.:D :D They got a lot of funny e-mails on, sauerkraut gives you gas..and that is why you may not be exposed.:p :p to someone who may have the bird flu.:D Bonnie
Does everyone know the symptoms to look out for with the bird flu? Being a nurse i know these things so i feel compelled to share them. the symptoms of the bird flu are: high fever, chills, achy all over and a strong urge to poop on car windows.LOL