From Yaps

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That was hilarious!:D :D I know, I have a warped sense of humor:p :p which explains why I have been known to watch The Man Show on occasion.;) ;)
We'll be replacing the familyroom couch tomorrow - I think my husband peed his pants on that one.
That was just too darn funny!!!!

That was just too darn funny!!!!

I am absolutely sitting here in tears from laughing so hard.....Thanks for the laugh...I really needed it this week....Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D :D
A show of hands. How many will admit to purchasing (or receiving as a gift) the "talking Deer head" that has been driving everyone crazy at Wally World? I noticed yesterday that the shelf is almost empty. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you've NEVER been through the Sports Section in Wal-Mart.

No, I don't own (or want) one.:D I don't own one of the "talking Bass" either!!!!!:D :D :D

May God Bless,


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