Four Surgeries this Week

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David will be having surgery tomorrow, Marguerite and Volsfan on Tuesday and Aussigirl on Thursday. We wish them all a peaceful holiday weekend and successful and uneventful surgeries. Dick and I will be leaving FL on Thursday and on the road until Sunday, but we expect to check in and see all good results. God Speed!
I'm holding you all in prayer this week. On Thursday, I'm putting a special Koala Bear up by the computer here. He will stay until I hear the good news.
Good Journey to all of you. You all know we'll be eagerly anticipating the news.
Good luck to all of 4 of you.

Good luck to all of 4 of you.

I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. I will be checking for some good news.
This is sure a busy week. I am sending prayers and hugs all over the world for next week. Please take care everyone and we look forward to information after your surgeries.
There's always trepidation when waiting for this surgery to take place. It's a leap of faith to leave the security of what you now have for the uncertainity of what lies ahead.
I hope your journey is made easier by knowing that you are held close in our hearts, and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
We'll see you on the other side of this.:) :)
Will be thinking of you all this week. Wishing you guys all the best, and a speedy recovery. Will be eagerly awaiting to chat again once you guys are on the other side of surgery :)
Like others have already said -- good luck and God speed!!

We ALL want to hear some more (4 more this week) boring accounts. Any of you taking your laptops?:cool:
All the best

All the best

All the best to all four of you. This site has more people pulling for you hen ever. I looked forward to the day I could be on the post surgery thread.
See you there
Ditto all. I'll work extra hard to get enough prayers & good thoughts out to all of you. Expect 4 healthier and happier valvers next week.

Best to everyone.
Good luck to all of you....the anxiety seems to always be the worst'll all be over with before you know it!

Busy week

Busy week

Wow the waiting room is really busy this week !!!

Remember the waiting is the worst,

Your VR family will be waiting here to learn that you are all safely "Over The Mountain"

You will all be in my prayers and thoughts, hurry back too us

Love and Hugs

A big week for us!

A big week for us!

I want to add my prayers & best wishes to our 4 friends this week. Hoping for a good outcome, & speedy, uneventful recovery!
I have it on good authority that all the surgeries this week are going to go perfectly!:D You will all be in my prayers.
Thak you, all.

Thak you, all.

David here. My AVR surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning (Monday April 17) at 7:30 a.m. I will be receivng a C-E Perimount Edwards pericardial valve at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor , Michigan. Needless to say, I am feeling a little anxious. It will, however, be good to have the surgery behind me and to start the process of recovery. Thank you for the well wishes. I will post again "on the other side".
4 in one week, did I miss an advertised special???;)

Looking forward to hearing from all of you on how easy and boring it was.
This is a big deal so to be anxious is normal. Just keep in mind that you are in capable and experienced hands and that each of you have many many people sending good thoughts and prayers your way. I will be praying for all of you this week.

Shirley :) :) :)
I can hardly believe its my turn this week...
sure did pick a good week ;) .

Dont forget to take in the time differences here you know...I am about 12 hours ahead of you guys. By the time you guys get up on Thursday morning I shall be fully-drugged-out, cut and fixed lying in LaLaLand in ICU with the undivided attention of all the staff!:D ...

My mum is going to keep you guys updated on my fabulous progress...I forgot to ask if I have internet access at the "Mount" but if I do I will take my Laptop in so I can avoid VR.withdrawal symptoms.

I am still waiting for the anxiety to far I am still bored and wishing time would hurry-up and move along!

I cant wait to join you all again from the other-side of the mountain...
thanks heaps for all your encouragement, support and prayers...

God Bless you all

Love and Hugs
Big week for surgery. Will be remembering all four of you in prayer, and also my brother-in-law who has surgery tomorrow in Jacksonville to repair a collapsed/faulty lung.

Please do have someone keep us posted so we'll know you've safely made it to the other side of the mountain.