Hi Seth,
There is a recent thread started by MomofThree that covers a great deal of this as she is scheduled for surgery shortly after you. The thread is named "how did you prepare". You should definitely look at it because it has quite a few pieces of information.
However, a few things to take to the hospital. Comfy bathrobe and slippers to avoid hospital clothing. Personal toiletries. A book or CD player, some of us read and some felt they could not concentrate. I am a reader under any circumstances even OHS so I found it helpful to escape. Music is defintely good. If you by any chance have a portable DVD player, that may also help and would certainly help your visitors. A small, 3 inch thick pillow is good for chest support during coughing/sneezing. Some hospitals provide, some do not. If you can't find one, a hospital pillow, folded in half, also works well.
Pain pills - I found morphine and demerol made me sick. Percocet and darvocet worked the best for me and I only took 1/2 pills. I don't like being "dopey" so I only took enough to take the edge off the pain. I didn't mind the pain as it made me realize I was still alive. I did not like the tubes and things tho. Fortunately those are only temporary.
Once you're home - a comfy recliner and lots of pillows should be your home for the first few weeks. Avoid steps if you can. No driving, no activities that require turning, stretching, lifting or other similar sternum irritating motions. Walk a lot on level surfaces, remember to breathe properly and try not to hunch over (you will be tempted but it cause backaches). Massages work wonders so, if you have a good masseuse, take advantage.
I am sure you will hear a lot more from others so I will close now.
We will all be praying for you. Please get someone to post regarding your surgery so we don't worry.
Thanks and smiles,
