Forced Radiation Treatments

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
There is an alarming story posted today by the Associated Press about the removal of a 12? year old Texas Girl (and her brothers) from their family because the family disputes Doctors *recommendation* to follow her Chemotherapy with Radiation Therapy.

The parents have asked for but apparently not received information on the possible side effects of this radiation.

As a Hodgkins disease survivor who was treated with Radiation Therapy, including my chest "just in case we missed something on the XRay" and suffered considerable HEART DAMAGE as a result, I find it appalling that the state government of Texas would REQUIRE the child to be treated without even getting a second opinion and considering the possible side effects.

Judge Carl Lewis of the Juvinile Court in Corpus Christi, Texas is supposed to make a ruling today, July 10.

'AL Capshaw'
I too have seen this story, It is a real balancing act....apparently there were other opinions, all on the side of radiation. There is apparently supposed to be a scan today to see if there is any re-occurence of the cancer with more discussion (in court?) about it.

It is not an easy situation to watch.....especially for those of you who have suffered the terrible cardiac side effects of radiation, and of course even more difficult to be in.

IMHO it would seem that the parents and the child should be entitled to seek out other less damaging treatments. Many may not agree.
Not knowing "much" about the law, but knowing enough to get me into trouble, I would suspect the argument surrounds the "standard of care" and what is generally prescribed for a person with such cancer.

The standard course of treatment includes radiation therapy. It's not always done, but it's usually recommended and usually endured inspite of whatever inherent risks there may be. It's entirely possible that, in this case, the state stepped in and said that standard of care was not being met and therefore the child should undergo radiation therapy regardless of what the parents wanted.

Unfortunately, the "state" all too often interjects "in the best interest of the child" regardless of what current medical practice says or does or regardless of the advice of actual, qualified, physicians....

What's more, "social services" organizations like that, operating as part of a state (or county or federal or whatever) funded program tend to be (or at least act) above the law almost all of the time. Again, acting "in the best interest of the child" figuring it's best to err on the side of caution than risk a child's death.

Nevermind that there are times when social services and their actions are directly responsible for a child's death.. Whoops, we're only human....

But now I'm rantin... :rolleyes:
As I understand it, the 'standard of care' for upper body Hodgkins Disease is to radiate the entire upper body lymph system.

In my case, I had a single node (on my neck) so, they radiated both sides of my neck, under both arms, and "just in case they missed something on the X-Ray", they radiated my CHEST. Twenty years later, I have a heart attack and GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease), followed my Aortic and Mitral Valve Stenosis.

QUESTION for anybody with an opinion:

I have tracked down the Father's name and come up with and address and telephone number.

Do you think I should CALL or WRITE with the story of MY radiation experience (which is probably on the outer limit of the normal distribution curve)?

Related Question: What are the names of the Large TEXAS Heart Hospitals?

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
As I understand it, the 'standard of care' for upper body Hodgkins Disease is to radiate the entire upper body lymph system.

In my case, I had a single node (on my neck) so, they radiated both sides of my neck, under both arms, and "just in case they missed something on the X-Ray", they radiated my CHEST. Twenty years later, I have a heart attack and GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease), followed my Aortic and Mitral Valve Stenosis.

QUESTION for anybody with an opinion:

I have tracked down the Father's name and come up with and address and telephone number.

Do you think I should CALL or WRITE with the story of MY radiation experience (which is probably on the outer limit of the normal distribution curve)?

Related Question: What are the names of the Large TEXAS Heart Hospitals?

'AL Capshaw'
Al, if you feel strongly about it, do it. Whether you call it "intuition", or "the Holy Spirit", something about this case is giving you a strong feeling that you need to offer assistance if you can.
I heard that the child does not want the treatment and they put the parents as though they are refusing the treament. Children are smarter that other people give them credit for. If the girl understands what the treatment is for, knows and understands the risks, she refuses treament, she should be allowed to make that decision. At 12, they knew a heck of a lot nowadays. The parents were only following their daughter's wishes, which should be respected. There are those here who have gone through this and should be able to understand the child's wishes. Just think about it. I had an aunt, in her eighties, who did not want treatment. Because she had cancer insurance, the hospital threatened to sue her husband to make her take the cancer treament. Just to get money from the cancer insurance. She died before they could proceed with the lawsuit. Making people going through what they do not want is abuse. That is the way I see it. Some people do not want to suffer more than they need to. Respect that please. Just had to have my say for the child.


The child was to be examined at M D Anderson Hospital in Houston. One of the best cancer centers in the U. S.

Sierra Bob

Metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer with Occult Primary

4/99 AVR

9/99 Radical Neck Dissection 35 radiation treatments for 6400 cGy
I have been doing some reading on the subject of radiation on hearts and it appears that they have improved their judgement and technique from 20 years ago. It is likely that the radiation will do more good than harm.

I agree with most on this site that the government should not make the decision, however the parents and child should be informed of the possible consequences of not doing the radiation and the safeguards and scientific information that shows the correct way to go.