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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
When we have been guests of friends or family for some special occaision, I generally take my camera, and manage to come up with a few pictures that others wish to share. For a long time we went through the hocus-pocus of uploading photos to web-sites, flash drives, etc. If my experience is typical, I think a lot of these photos seldom see the light of day. It is just not that satisfying to pull them up on your computer after you have seen them a few times.

A while ago, I discovered Apple offered the option of creating, then publishing a hard cover photo album. With a little fooling around, I discovered how to use the Apple pages program to manipulate photo frames, shapes, tilt etc. You can also (and this is a biggie) add descriptive sentences or paragraphs that really personalize the book. There is a megaton of difference between a straight picture, and that same picture-framed in a creative way-with a small poem, etc. I have seen people moved to (happy) tears viewing a book of their young children, etc. The result is (IMHO) a very nice scrap book which can sit on the coffee table, and does get used. It makes a great gift for your hosts guests, etc. if you don't customize your photos you can make the book in seconds, but it is not nearly so memorable.

One problem: It is hard to publish a hard cover book for less than $30.00, and when they see it, everybody wants their own.

I think I have found a solution that crosses the Mac/PC divide, and might solve the financial problem. In fact, for those of you writing books, or selling CD's e.g. Geena/Karlynn, you can even make a profit.

How is that possible? You upload your written or musical material to "Lulu"

They will publish your book, or make you CD-you supply the artwork. You can (& should, I think) buy a copy for yourself, which they will ship to you. The difference between them and the Apple site is they will maintain your work on their site, where it can be seen and purchased by third parties. You set the purchase price, they collect the money and ship the product to anyone who orders your book, CD, etc.

If this all works like it is supposed to, someone like me can hand out a freebie to the host, then tell everyone else how they can order their own. I am not a professional, and will probably set the price at Lulu's cost for the book. But a professional like Karlynn or others can set the purchase price at a level that provides a "royalty". I think Lulu charges their normal "cost "plus 25% of the royalty. And their "cost" seems very competitive based on what I have seen. The artist can sell their work without worrying about collection or shipping issues.

I have not yet sent in a "book" for publishing, but I intend to try them when I do the next booklet. If I like the product, I have some thoughts for a book on the Jemez mountains that tourists might like to buy. If I do it, that will be my first attempt at a profit. If any of you know more about this, I am all ears.
Our son and daughter-in-law gave us a very nice book of pictures of our grandsom this past Christmas. The book says it was made on Snapfish. I have no idea how this compares with lulu in price, etc, but it is very impressive to have a book filled with pictures of our grandson. I think they got several books at once, each one personalized for the person they were giving it to.
I use Photobucket to host many of my pictures. At Christmas Photobucket linked with a new company called Qoops! that let's you create books. I designed one with pictures of our granddaughter, along with text, then chose to have 4 printed. The cost was very reasonable--less than $5 each--and it was fun to create it. I should mention that 4 was the minimum; it would not have been as good a deal if I were only making one.
I've got the links to both Photobucket and Qoops if anyone wants them.


Just so this doesn't get lost in the shuffle: There are many good sites that will publish a book for you.

The distinction I see with Lulu is that they will sell your product to a third party and collect a royalty for you if you so desire.

However I also agree it is a ton of fun to buy the books and give them away. So far I have never seen the type of hardcover book I am describing for much less than $30.00 apiece. I will definitely check any links anyone wants to send. I can't bring myself to collect money from a friend, but I can tell them where they can get their own copy at cost.