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Hello all. And especially anyone who knows about the state of Arizona.
Here in Oregon we have a state run high-risk health insurance pool for those who cannot get health insurance from private companies. It is expensive, but for those of us who are unemployed and not yet old enough to be eligible for Medicare and whose Cobra is about to run out ..... there is the option of this state run insurance pool.
Hubby and I are considering retiring to a warmer, dryer clime and Arizona is certainly that! But it appears that there are no options for people like me who cannot (as of yet, anyway) buy health insurance due to the heart valve replacement (or pre-existing condition).
I would appreciate it if anyone knows more than we have been able to discern from our google research. Are we missing something?
Here in Oregon we have a state run high-risk health insurance pool for those who cannot get health insurance from private companies. It is expensive, but for those of us who are unemployed and not yet old enough to be eligible for Medicare and whose Cobra is about to run out ..... there is the option of this state run insurance pool.
Hubby and I are considering retiring to a warmer, dryer clime and Arizona is certainly that! But it appears that there are no options for people like me who cannot (as of yet, anyway) buy health insurance due to the heart valve replacement (or pre-existing condition).
I would appreciate it if anyone knows more than we have been able to discern from our google research. Are we missing something?