I have read so much on Little Katie's problems..but..what is a Fontan? Reading her Carepage..Is it good/bad?.. Nancy, BobH or Ross....???Make it simple for me.. Bonnie
My understanding is that the Fontan procedure will allow the blood in need of oxygenation (that would normally return to the right atrium, be pumped to the right ventricle, and on to the lungs) to bypass the right heart and go directly to the lungs.
I tried to get an idea of what Katie's heart might look like by googling the long list of acronyms that accompany her mom's User name. I came away with little understanding beyond her heart's being in the right side of her chest cavity instead of the left, it lacks the two right chambers (embryonically her "primitive heart" never fully evolved into 4 separate chambers, I think?) and the various vena cavas are not normal in some way that I did not explore.
I have read so much on Little Katie's problems..but..what is a Fontan? Reading her Carepage..Is it good/bad?.. Nancy, BobH or Ross....???Make it simple for me.. Bonnie
Thank you for asking this question! I've been reading these posts and thought I must be the only one who doesn't know what it is. I was afraid to show my lack of knowledge about anything except my situation.
The link in the second post is excellent!
Hi I'm new here, but the fontan isusually the 3rd part of the 3 stage surgery (sometimes called Norwood) that children born w/ a single ventricle have, to reroute the blood, Lyn