Follow up Surgeon Questions

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Aug 24, 2009
Niles, il.
Hello Folks. I have my final follow up with my surgeon tomorrow. Then i am released to my cardio. Any thoughts on questions to ask the Surgeon. This will probably be the last time i see him (hopefully) and since he was the last person to see my heart/valve/arteries i would like to cover all bases. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I found it a curiosity to know how many minutes they had my heart stopped and how long I was on the heart-lung machine.

I wanted to know who to call in his office if for some reason I had any further questions.

I found it interesting to discover that he had not used wire to tie my sternum together, but rather some very strong (merseline, I think) dacron (?) tape.

That kind of thing that only he would have in his notes.
