On Foldax - My understanding is (hey guys, please correct me if you have a different understanding)
Their goal is to provide a heart valve product that will last “a lifetime” (Younger folks will not have to face the difficult decision of mechanical or tissue)
It will also solve the problem of not requiring a lifetime of testing and warfarin.
(To me, if Foldax can actually accomplish this, that would be remarkable!)
So as I understand it, first they have to get enough of these new valves implanted and see how well they perform, etc. To that end, as of June, 2020, 3 patents have received the new valve, all (more or less) through standard surgery (or some through minimal evasive surgery). (But not yet through trans-catheter methods).
BUT clearly they state their intent is to provide a “percutaneously product" (their words).
To that end, they have already developed a transcatheter prototype product and successfully implanted it in animals.
So it would seem, only a matter of time!
As I approach 80 with my increasingly failing valves, I only hope I can hold out until they get that transcatheter product fully approved and ready for ME!