Thanks for all the replys!
Janie, you are lucky! If someone has the flu in the next city from me, I will get it. I have never had a very strong imune system. Had bronchial phnamonia (sp) when I was 3 months old and has left me forever catching everything! LOL! even had the three day measels 9 times!
So, yes, for about 10 years, or since I knew of my heart problems I have gotten flu shots. Having my surgery this last Feb. and getting ready for the ever quick and painful shot! actually, it hurts for days after!
I will have my INR checked right before and after the shot though, just to make sure.
Anyway, thank you all again. I thought I had heard somewhere that it does change the INR, but wasn't too sure.
Other than that, I am still trying to get better. Had an Xray last month on my chest because I am still hurting with those darn wires. Determination was, I have not developed any scar tissue around them yet! So until I do, my chest is going to hurt me like it has since at about 5 weeks post op. ARGH! so this "tomboy" still can't haul my firewood to the house or anything else like that.