Flu shot before surgery?

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Aug 16, 2009
Flushing, OH
I'm having surgery in early Oct and was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to try to get a flu shot beforehand or right after I get home? I've never had one before but I think if there is ever a bad time to get the flu this winter would be it for me.
LOL no kidding. I tend to get sick fairly easily as does my husband. I've had years where I had a nasty cough/cold most of the winter. He brings one thing home that husband catches, then me, then back to husband...good times...sigh.
It depends on how soon before surgery you can get it. If it is just a week or so, I wouldn't bother (it also may give you a light case of the flu and then you will run the chance of having your surgery postponed). If you can get it at least several weeks beforehand, I would. My Dr.'s had me get one in March for my April surgery (even though flu season was basically over by then) as well as the pnemonia (sp?) shot.
I've always understood it takes three weeks post vaccination to have full benefit of the serum. The H1N1 shot won't be available until mid October from what I have heard. The usual seasonal flu vaccine is normally available about the first or second week in October in my area.

Still, the only one who can answer is your surgeon. (S)he knows what is best for you.