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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Boy did I ever wake up sick this morning. I felt like a big mack truck at run over me sometime during the night. I just got back from the doctor's. I really thought I had pneumonia the way my chest and lungs were hurting and I was coughing up green stuff with a red tint. I swear I coughed all night. My sides hurt so bad from coughing so hard. The doctor said I had an upper respiratory infection along with bronchitis. He started me on double doses of antibotics and a really strong cough syrup. My oldest daughter and granddaughter has had this and so has my husband. Guess what, they loved me so much that they shared! I wish they didn't love me so much. LOL

Has anyone else had this nasty stuff here lately?
Oh my gosh, Glenda--

Joe and I both had it, and so did my girls and their husbands. At least I hope it's the same thing. I don't want that ever again or anything like it, it was horrible. For us, it lasted at least a month. I used up several boxes of Kleenex coughing, blowing, whatever, green weenies, blood clots, sinus problems, upper respiratory, you name it, we had it. We didn't do antibiotics. My one daughter did and she did not have it so bad.

The only good thing is I'm hoping that I am immune to that bug from now on.

Good luck with it.
So sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Please rest, get your fluids and take good care of yourself.


My nice Hubby visited 2 of our neighbors in the hospital, the first week of March...3 days later..he started coughing and sneezing, ect..and always in the car with me. :eek:
Sure enough, 3 days before my Grandchildren came home from Russia..I got it.. :eek: Hubby cleared up after a week. mine hung on for 3 weeks..Just recently..No more coughing. I went thru 2 bottles of cough medicine..Mine was coughing..no fever, ect...I checked my INR after the 2 bottles of cough meds. A perfect 3.0..go figure.A member of VR told me (No names) :D Take a cup of warm water..add lemon juice, honey and brandy..I did..and it helped more than cough med. :D It WAS scary the first week. at night to wake up in a coughing fit. :eek: Learned to sleep propped up on pillows. That helped some....Now, we are getting the pollen..Running nose, itching eyes, ect..Daughter called me on the way to work in Atlanta this a.m....Said, it looked like it was snowing yellow. :eek: ....Yes, I think if one family member gets that crud..the other one will, too. :eek: Remember we are TWINS..and I passed it to you :D Maybe we should all, wipe our computer screens down :p Bonnie
Hi Glenda...

Hi Glenda...

Glenda said:
Boy did I ever wake up sick this morning. I felt like a big mack truck at run over me sometime during the night. I just got back from the doctor's. I really thought I had pneumonia the way my chest and lungs were hurting and I was coughing up green stuff with a red tint. I swear I coughed all night. My sides hurt so bad from coughing so hard. The doctor said I had an upper respiratory infection along with bronchitis. He started me on double doses of antibotics and a really strong cough syrup. My oldest daughter and granddaughter has had this and so has my husband. Guess what, they loved me so much that they shared! I wish they didn't love me so much. LOL

Has anyone else had this nasty stuff here lately?

I just went through it about 3 weeks ago, and then it seemed to go away and then it came back again....I have always had these upper respiratory/ viral infections for as long as I can remember, and with Bronchitis, it's especially miserable for me. I know what your going through, and I hope and pray that you get over it as soon as possible as I know it's not fun...Prayers are coming your way, and know your in my thoughts. Blessings to you.. Harrybaby666

P.S. How's the Liberty running? Mine is going terrific, although with the gas prices, I don't dare drive it anymore than I have to...Harry
:D :D :D :D :D
The Bronchial Crud

The Bronchial Crud

Urgh! Now I've got it, too! Sudden bouts of coughing with yucky results. Maybe I didn't wipe off my computer screen? :eek: Actually my wife has had it more than a week, so I guess it was inevitable. But wouldn't you know it? -- it strikes the night before I was going to go into the office for first time since surgery. (I have been working from home, though.) So no telling what my boss thinks. Anyway I am going to my primary doc this afternoon to see if he can prescribe something to help. Any good (heart-friendly) home remedies welcomed, too. Last thing I need is a deep chest cough right now.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes. This stuff is sure not going away easy!
The problem was I really didn't know which doctor to go to: cancer, heart, general, so I picked my cancer doctor sincer I have leukemia and I see him usually every four weeks anyway. Another problem is that I take leukemia medicine that keeps my white blood count down and it works really well, the only thing is I don't fight off infections at all. The nurse worked for over 30 minutes trying to find a vein for blood work-up. She said I was so dehydrated that the veins were so hard to find.

Harry, I still really like my Jeep Liberty. I'm with you about the gas prices. Ug! !

Bob, you sure don't need to be doing deep chest coughing right now. I sincerely hope you get better fast.

Bonnie, I tried cleaning my computer screen and it just didn't work! :)

I probably won't be doing any volunteering in ICU tomorrow with this crud. I sure wouldn't want to infect anyone in that ward.

I've got to get better. I've got flowers to plant! :) :)

Didn't realize you are battling leukemia, too. You need this bronchial crud even less than I do! Sure hope you feel better soon and are back to your volunteering and other activities.
Today was my day to volunteer and I just wasn't up to it. I hate it because they really depend on me but I didn't think I needed to be around sick people feeling as bad as I do and coughing up this yuck.

I do love feeling needed in the ICU although sometimes it can be very stressful. For instance, within the last two weeks I have had two very close friends die in ICU. One (Wayne) coded last week, the other (Lana) died from the results of a brain tumor this past Monday. I wasn't there when she died but when Wayne died I had just got on duty. You have to understand I'm the kind of person that cries at Hall Mark commericals on television, so nevertheless I have been crying off and on for two weeks. I have to sing at Lana's funeral which I think will be this Friday. Let's hope I can sing up over this crud! She had donated all her organs and her family is meeting today with the funeral home to make the arrangements. I was also her Sunday School teacher. She had turned 56 last Friday.

Heaven received two more angels.
I wondered a few days ago how the volunteering was going. I'm glad you posted, but I hate to hear that you're sick.
I've had something the last week. Terrible sore throat and nose congestion. I would have sworn it was strep except I didn't run a fever. It must be allergies even though I normally don't suffer with them.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. It is emotionally tough to do the job you're doing; I just know that your presence brings comfort and an extra blessing to the folks you meet.

Take care of yourself.
Thanks Mary. You are sweet! I don't know what I would do without the support of all the wonderful people on this forum.