I envy the people who are stable on Coumadin and can miss a dose with little effect. I drop like a stone when doses are missed or withheld as two Doctors have discovered. My range is 2.5-3.5 and twice I have spiked to 6. The first time I was told to stop taking it for three days then resume my normal dose and have a retest done in 6 days......in 6 days it was 1.4 and that was after taking my regular dose for two days. And to add insult to injury I was scheduled to meet with the head of the department that was managing my INR and he was the one who told me I was 1.4......he also said " I have a report here that says you are self medicating",,,,,,,,,,well I had not been. I had been following their dosing protocols exactly. That " self-medicating" "report from the ward clerk was the result of me questioning the wisdom of cutting me off for three days.
I was NOT impressed
After that, I asked my family doctor if he would take over my INR and he agreed. Five months later I spiked to 6.1.......there was no dietary reason for that spike and I had it retested at emerg that same evening and it was 5.3. My family doctor recommended I miss two doses and then retest. I reminded him what happened the last time and I told him I thought 1 day max would be better but he insisted this was the best course of action. Lab retest 2 days later gave a 1.3
Once again I was NOT impressed
The next day I bought a Coaguchek and I have been stable ever since and I am fully responsible for adjusting my doses as my family doctor admitted my suggestion would have been the better option. Every month I hand in a report of my dosing for the previous month and the highest it ever got was 4.0 once and I had it down to 2.8 within 3 days and it's been in range since
I have managed to miss two doses since then but I take one set of pills at 8am and the coumadin at 8pm so I never miss longer than 12 hours, The two times that has happened I take my Coumadin at 8 am then delay night time to after 11pm and I've never had the next INR reading go wonky.
The bottom line is, as the emergency room doctor told me.....everyone reacts differently and in my case, my body flushes it out rather more quicky than the textbooks say it should be