first rehab

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
my husband had his first rehab session today, all seemed to go well although his systolic went up to 190 when he worked out. It has been 7 weeks since his vavle replacement surgery and he restarted his blood preasure meds 4 weeks ago, when not active his blood preasure runs around 140/80. Is this normal for the first time or does this indicate an underlying problem with his valve or heart?
Post-op BP

Post-op BP

My post-op blood pressure was identical to that your husband's (140/80). I was running 140/80. They started me in a rehab program two weeks after my AVR surgery. My blood pressure did decrease through the course of the rehab program. I'm on BP meds as well. My last blood pressure check was in the neighborhood of 105/65.

The rehab program will address getting your husband's heart back in shape, and I suspect his blood pressure will drop as he makes progress through the program. One of the great things about rehab programs is the way particpants are monitored. The people running the program keep participants within limits.

caterb85 said:
my husband had his first rehab session today, all seemed to go well although his systolic went up to 190 when he worked out. It has been 7 weeks since his vavle replacement surgery and he restarted his blood preasure meds 4 weeks ago, when not active his blood preasure runs around 140/80. Is this normal for the first time or does this indicate an underlying problem with his valve or heart?

Was this a cardiac rehab program with nurses monitoring BP and other readings? If so, they should know if that elevated rate was normal or not.

Best wishes to your husband for a good recovery. I found cardiac rehab -- took 36 sessions of it over 12 weeks -- to be very helpful.