First Race

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Well-known member
May 27, 2008
New Zealander living in the Bahamas
Yippeee !! second place finish and I did it with an average heart rate of 158.
My first race post op and riding at about 60% throttle. There's going to be trouble when I hit the gas.

average speed over 24mph for 20 miles.
Yippeee !! second place finish and I did it with an average heart rate of 158.
My first race post op and riding at about 60% throttle. There's going to be trouble when I hit the gas.

average speed over 24mph for 20 miles.

I hope you send Dr. Stelzer an email and let him know.
He will be pleased too!
Congratulations, thats a great result!

As someone who rides road and mtbs recreationally it's really encouraging to read positive news like yours - thanks for posting.

BTW the only time i hit 24mph is going down hill :D
you had a ross procedure to replace your aortic valve, what did they install on
the other side?


Leeroy, Great race!! Some day soon I will do a race, but it won't
the kind you do. I'm hoping to do a 25 mile one that's flat!
Can you give us more info on how we can get one of
those VR bike shirts?? I really want one! Thanks Debbie :)
Yippeee !! second place finish and I did it with an average heart rate of 158.
My first race post op and riding at about 60% throttle. There's going to be trouble when I hit the gas.

average speed over 24mph for 20 miles.

Excellent performance, Leeroy. Congratulations!
Great job, leeroy!
definitely let dr. stelzer know about this. he loves to keep track of his athletic patients and loves to brag about them to futures_ as he should.
wonderful news. keep it up.
be well, sylvia

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