Finished my fourth cardio-rehab session --Question

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Active member
Dec 7, 2010
Albany, Oregon USA
On Monday my HR was high on the treadmill, Matt (my one on one staff person)said he was going to send a note to my cardiologisgt and my doctor to let them know my HR is a little too high.
Today he told me he did not send the note because he wanted to talk it over with his medical director.
Well on the treadmill today my HR was normal 120. When I went to a sitdown machine my HR started out normal, but jumped to about 150, when I started talking to someone. then dropped to 125 when I stopped talking. when I started talking again the HR jumped high again.
This happend before, I talk= high HR; I don't talk = normal HR
Matt is not sure what is going on with that.
any ideas? Plus standing HR is always higher than sitting. is that normal
Just wondering. I feel fine.


I think the standing thing is quite normal; the talking thing, "not so much"! Have you searched online for an answer? Like '"high heart rate" talking' or some such? I've never heard of speech being a risk factor for A-fib or other potential causes of tachycardia -- unless of course the "someone" you were talking to was a hot babe! ;)
Hi, Ron, my standing HR was almost always higher than sitting. The exception occurred when I was using the recumbant bicycle. I would say that if your HR is 120 when you are exercising then exercise and don't talk. I take my radio/MP3 player with me which helps me focus on what I'm doing. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling good because that is really the most important thing. My physiologist at Cardiac Rehab was much more interested in how rapidly one's heart rate slowed from its maximum to a more normal rate after resting for 3 or 4 minutes. A rapid return to normal is another good indicator of cardio vascular health. 11 weeks to go.

At the first session did you do a walking stress test to find your benchmark heart rates? We always kept a binder to record HR on each apparatus as we moved around the stations ...we also recorded opening BP and sugars as well as weight in the front of the binder
There was also an area to record weight and resistance st=etting as well as other set up info for the various pieces of nautilis equipment