Finding RP Surgeons and The Registry

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My son, 20 is scheduled to have the RP performed. Other than asking the Dr., are there any sites to look up the number of RPs a Dr has performed? We have a few months to firm this up and any help finding and reviewing surgeon info would be much appreciated. Any other relevant metrics would also be helpful.

As some have said in the forum, the family seems more concerned than the patient.....
Do you mean the Ross?

Do you mean the Ross?

Hi and welcome to the group! If you mean the Ross, several on here have had the Ross procedure and may be confused by the "RP." Hopefully, you will hear from them soon. YOu might try changing the thread to read "Question about Ross" if you can. I haven't been too successful in the past with trying to change a thread's title, though. Hey, Ross, are you out there? Can you help her out? If not, you might try posting a new thread. Good luck and again welcome to the group.
RP registry

RP registry

Here is some good information on the Ross Procedure$1469

There is a Ross Registry kept by the International Heart Institute of Montana for research purposes but they do not publish a score card that I am aware of.

When I went looking for a Ross Surgeon I asked them directly. I can tell you that Dr. Stelzer has done the most number of RPs of all practicing surgeons. Only Dr. Ross and Dr. Elkins have done more and they are both retired.

My doctor told me you have to pay money to be listed on the Ross Procedure registry so many that may be well qualified to perform the procedure may not be registered. My doctor was not but has performed ver 100. You might think of asking your surgeon just how many he has done.

Thank you

Thank you

Syd, thanks for the links. I have seen the Paul Stelzer name out in NY.

Heather, that insight about the registry is helpful and I will ask this when talking to the surgeon nect week.

GiJanet, I'll see what I can do about the thread.

I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

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