Finally have results...and some other news

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Well after what seemed like weeks and WEEKS of waiting, I FINALLY have the results from all my tests..... but not really any answers..!!

The stress test was "good", despite the fact I never even made it to a jog! My cardio said "well Anna, you performed better than other people in your age group who don't even have a history of prior cardiac issues". I can only assume by this comment he is comparing me to 30 year olds with acquired heart disease, ie: people who have made unhealthy life-style choices (maybe over-eating, not exercising, smoking...), as opposed to myself who has always been very fit and healthy. I thought that was a pretty worthless comparison.

The event monitor didn't reveal anything other than frequent ectopic beats - which was no surprise. He told me he was looking for v-tach but since none was recorded, everything is apparently hunky-dory. I would have thought a 24hr holter would be more beneficial for that sort of thing, as I very seldom "feel" my heart misbehaving anyway.

He also told me he didn't think it would be worth my while taking beta-blockers for the PACs & PVCs since they apparently slow your whole system (and mind) down.

Other than that, there wasn't much else to say.

All the blood-work they did came back A-OK.... which, again, was no surprise. They did the full iron & iron-store count, calcium and potassium, thyroid, white blood cell count, inflammatory/virus, liver & kidney, yada, yada, yada.

The sleep study didn't reveal anything at all and I did OK on the 6 minute walk.

He suggested I might benefit from a supervised exercise program, but I pointed out I was very fit until I started becoming symptomatic, and also participated in a monitored exercise program last year which only left me feeling more and more exhausted.

Anyhoo - all in all, I'm in fantastic health...... apart from feeling so completely exhausted and short of breath all the time.

I am packing up and moving interstate to lovely Victoria! I'll be living about 3hrs out of Melbourne which has some excellent medical facilities and a Congenital Heart Clinic for ADULTS!!!! This is actually run by the Director of Cardiology, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get some answers there.

Because of the move, I have obtained copies of all my medical records and found an interesting letter from the surgeon (who was originally going to do my PVR) to my cardio. While he agreed that surgery could wait, he was of the opinion it was definitely close to the time I would need it done, although it could probably wait another 12 months. After meeting with the surgeon, my cardio basically told me to see him for a check-up in 2 years and not expect to need surgery for 3-5 years.

Quite a difference!! Especially since he lead me to believe this was the surgeon's recommendations. :mad:

I emailed the surgeon on Friday to query the conflicting advice I'd been given and am currently waiting to hear back from him.

SO - that's about it! I'm going to be very busy in the next month or two getting everything packed and unpacked... so if you don't see much of me here, you'll know why. Meanwhile, I'm very excited about the move, especially since it's so gorgeous in that part of the country. Perhaps I might even get to catch up with some of the other Melbourne based valvers while I'm there.

Cheers everyone
Anna : )
Did I give you permission to move? I don't seem to have this memo on my desk. Hmmm, are you trying to go AWOL too?

You better keep in touch and come back to us or I swear I'll release the hounds! :D
Anna, my suggestion would be to contact the surgeon who's letter you found and explain your symptoms.

I was symptomatic for 6 years and they kept putting surgery off for 2 reasons - my age (my symptoms started with my 2nd pregnancy, I was 26) and my heart wasn't enlarging. As soon as my heart began to enlarge, they did the surgery. Most of my symptoms went away and I got my life back. I wished they'd given me my life back 4 years before. But I was so physically run down and mentally discouraged by the time I had surgery, the road back was a long and bumpy one. Most people say they look back after a year and say they realize they are completely recovered. It took me at least 2.

Have you had a recent echo or TEE and what does it show?
How exciting for you to be moving but take it easy and don't over do. I hope you will finally be getting some answers from your doctor's. Doctor's are so bad about not wanting to tell you anything. My heart surgeon was great, but my cancer doctor is awful. I have to beg him to tell me anything. I think it must be a white coat control thing.

Good luck to you and don't forget us. Check in once in a while and let us know how you are doing.
Hey Anna,
Just want to wish you the best on your move and hope everything turns out the way you want. Talk to you after you are all moved in. ;)
Take Care

You need to keep on being the squeaky wheel.

On the other front, good luck on your move! You didn't tell us why - new flame? new job? change of pace? Whatever the reason, I hope it goes well for you. Do take it easy and don't overwork or stress yourself in the process.
All that time invested for a whole truckload of nothing. And we didn't even get to hear the Tales of the Tilt Table. It is time to move on.

Good luck in the East. Don't forget to visit the macadamia nut farms northeast of you, and tell me how they're doing.

Best wishes,
Ooooooh Ross....... you're so scary..!!! :D ;) If it's any consolation, I'm actually moving closer, but I'll make a concerted effort to keep you informed of all my movements from now on (..I'll be heading into the kitchen soon for a refreshing peppermint tea!..).

I'm still waiting to hear back from the surgeon (..I wrote him a very frank email..), however I suspect he will be wanting to chat with my cardio/s to get their version of events before he contacts me. I'll be sure to call his office again if I haven't heard from him by next week.

Haven't had a TEE, but the echo shows significant pumonary regurgitation, enlargement of the heart, mild tricuspid regurgitation and some pulmonary stenosis. From where I'm sitting, it looks like they should be moving on it - why they're still wanting to wait is beyond me!!

Glenda & Dave,
Thanks for the good-luck wishes. I'll definitely keep you posted.

My beloved has accepted an internal job transfer to be closer to his family (..they've got some health issues of their own they're trying to deal with..). Luckily it puts us closer to Melbourne, and since I'm no longer working, the move doesn't affect me much at all! Actually, I've got some really good friends living there, so all in all I'm relishing the change of scenery :)

I've also (finally) retrieved all my stuff out of storage from my move to Italy, so I'm packed!! I figure the removal guys can do everything else, while I kick back with a cold beer and give directions :D :D

I figure with all the tests at least I can rule pretty much everything else out, so I guess that's gotta be worth something! Was going in to see my other doc tomorrow to let her know about the Tilt Table being axed and they just rang me to say she'll be away and I have to reschedule (doh!!). Oh well! Now I just have all my dental work to look forward to next week (oh yay!).

Seeing as how I'm moving into wine country, it could take me a while to get to the macadamias (..heh heh heh..), but I'll let you know if I get there.

Cheers all
Anna : )

PS - Bill, I finally got that bottle (..OK, half a dozen of them..) of Red Zinfandel, and it certainly didn't disappoint. At $44 a bottle I would have been pretty ticked if I didn't like it!! Am really looking forward to see how it ages.

A : )