Feeling rotten and a bit down

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Surgery for severly calcified AV (still opens 1.4) and 5.2 cm aneurysm scheduled for 8/10 - wish it were tomorrow. I have been feeling progressively worse: dull chest pain more frequent (even at rest) but pain not any stronger. I just started 25 mg of Atenolol (beta blocker, I think) this morning even though my unmedicated pulse/BP is about 70bpm/120 over 70. The chest pain seems better but now I have a headache and my limbs (especially legs) ache. I am assuming this is a side effect of the beta blocker. I feel like someone walking a tight rope. If I stop the beta blocker I put up with dull chest pain and a little more stress on the aneurysm. If I keep taking it, I put up with how I feel now. If I knew I'd be OK to surgery, I'd stop taking the beta blocker and put up with the dull pain. But weighing everthing, I guess it's best to take some pressure off the aneurysm, just in case. And as you all know, we with BAVD have arteries that are weaker than the average bear.

Sorry guys, for being a bit of a whiner, but I can't really talk to my family because I don't want to freak them out. There's even questions I'd like to ask people here like Ross but don't want to freak myself out! :) I'm bored, mad, confused, and scared all at the same time.

Ah, I feel better now. I'm ready to honker down and wait for 8/10. Thankx for listening.
Since your aneurysm is a bit large, I would do everything possible to keep your BP, heartrate and activity at a minimum.

Don't worry, 8/10 is just around the corner. Soon we will hear from you that the surgery is coming up too fast. ;) ;) ;)

Just take it easy, follow the doctor's suggestions (assuming you feel your doctor is compentant) and treat yourself to many nice things. You will be in recovery before you know it.
Hi There Jax...your not the only one feeling bad...

Hi There Jax...your not the only one feeling bad...

Don't worry about venting, we all have to do it from time to time. I am not feeling my best either today, and let me tell you, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. I was feeling pretty good this morning, but then I had to go out and get groceries....The minute I started to do anything to exhert myself, my chest started feeling really heavy and I got short of breath and it became increasing ly difficult for me to even walk because of the chronic pain I am in and all the heart and pulmonary issues that I have. I really think that the added benefit of this great website is that we can not just support each other, but emotionally support each other to help us get through. I too, cannot talk with my family about my issues, and believe me...this website has been my saving grace. Take Care, Harrybaby666
Beta blockers can make you feel rotten at first. I was on one for twenty years for high blood pressure. I hated it. It did slow my heartbeat down and kept the blood pressure in line. I no longer take it. My blood pressure has improved, plus, I'm now on Cozaar.

They tried to put Joe on beta blockers, several of them, he couldn't tolerate them. It would have been better for him, if he was able to take them because they help things very much. So stick it out until surgery. For most people, the beta blocker symptoms go away in a while.

Just take it really easy until your surgery.
symptoms go away?

symptoms go away?

Thank you all for the encouragement. It's much appreciated.

So Nancy,unless the headache gets unbearable, I'll stick with the beta blocker for a while. How long does it typically take for the side effects to subside? I understand everyone's different but are we talking a few days or weeks? Anybody have some personal experience with this?
I can't blame you for feeling down. I hated the way I felt in the last months before surgery. Dull chest/throat pain on and off during the day, palpitations at night.

The beta blocker should have more effect on your heart rate than your BP, although it will affect both. Atenolol is one of the beta blockers that doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier, so it tends to have fewer side effects (such as fatigue) than the beta blockers that do. It may or may not be the cause of the headache and limb pain, or they may be a temporary side effects. I had heat and unpleasant tingling in my hands when I first took it, but they went away in two days. Hopefully, yours will, too.

The fact is that until you have the surgery, you're likely to feel like crap most of the time. In a way, it helps you to accept the surgery, and even be grateful for it. Scared or not, by the time I went in, a part of me knew that I absolutely needed to do something.

Best wishes,
tobagotwo said:
I can't blame you for feeling down. I hated the way I felt in the last months before surgery. Dull chest/throat pain on and off during the day, palpitations at night.

The beta blocker should have more effect on your heart rate than your BP, although it will affect both. Atenolol is one of the beta blockers that doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier, so it tends to have fewer side effects (such as fatigue) than the beta blockers that do. It may or may not be the cause of the headache and limb pain, or it may be a temporary side effect. I had heat and tingling in my hands when I first took it, but it went away in two days. Hopefully, yours will, too.

The fact is that until you have the surgery, you're likely to feel like crap most of the time. In a way, it helps you to accept the surgery, and even be grateful for it. Scared or not, when I went in, a part of me knew that I absolutely needed to do something.

Best wishes,
I echo those sentiments... Try, although not easy, to concentrate on the good things that lie after the surgery and stop watching the pot boil! It will drive you nuts and you will start feeling everything more... I know this advice is easier to give than to follow - BUT - it really does help. I am two weeks out of surgery and the week before I went in was the worst until I changed my focus a bit!

Good luck to you.


Your concerns are legitimate and sound typical for someone in your situation (not that this will make you FEEL any better).

Have you told any of your Doctors about your symptoms?
(especially the one who prescribed your Beta Blocker?)

I remember feeling very lethargic while on a 'theraputic' dose of Toprol (100 mg). When I developed A-FIB I was put on Sotalol (generic form of BetaPace) and had side effects (mostly dizzyness) for several weeks until my body adjusted to it.

Is there any chance of moving your surgery date up?
You might ask your surgeon (or his staff) if you could be considered for an earlier date or take a 'cancellation' date.

Hang in there and keep reminding yourself of Nancy's signature line: " NEVER give in and NEVER give up"!

'AL Capshaw'
Actually feeling a bit better today

Actually feeling a bit better today

Thank you all for the information and encouragement. I feel better today than I have in quite some time. I happily gulped my 25mg Atenolol this morning. Chest pain is much diminished (cross fingers). Side effects are also much diminished. Both heart rate and BP are a tad lower. No way to move surgery up so I'll wait it out. I'm a little bit my old feisty self today.
Glad you're back, at least somewhat. Hold onto your crustiness: you'll need it again after the operation.

There will still be some good days, too, before surgery. Or good afternoons. It comes and goes.

Set up a nonatheletic vacation to a place you find beautiful before the surgery, if you can. Even one or two days. This stress tends to bring out people's comtemplative sides, and you may find that you're in a rare state to enjoy nature's beauty right now.

Best wishes,
jax3172 said:
Thank you all for the information and encouragement. I feel better today than I have in quite some time. I happily gulped my 25mg Atenolol this morning. Chest pain is much diminished (cross fingers). Side effects are also much diminished. Both heart rate and BP are a tad lower. No way to move surgery up so I'll wait it out. I'm a little bit my old feisty self today.

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. I know the weeks just before my surgery were hard ones and I felt more and more symptomatic. I don't know if it was all physical or more than likely physical and mental both. I was on atenolol before and after surgery for quite a while but now no longer require it. Maybe you won't always need it either. I hope all goes well for you.

So glad to hear you are feeling better!

Mu husband also takes 25 mg of atenenol. He was initially taking 100mg, but was titrated downwards as he could not tolerate the drug.

FYOI - He spoke to his Dr. about taking a smaller dose, and his Dr. felt that he should try taking 1/2 tab in the morning, and the other half in the evening. This helped tremendously. Just an idea. - Marybeth
It's been an interesting 24 hours

It's been an interesting 24 hours

Hi all. As I mentioned, I felt great yesterday. But?BP fell a bit too far later in the day (approx 98 over 58).

My wife freaked out. I called the doctor and was given some guidelines. They said to check it a few times a day and keep it over 90/52 unless I have symptoms, such as dizziness.

Well, I woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp twinge in the heart area and felt lousy. I tried not to wake the wife unit but she's a light sleeper and woke up anyway. My poor wife is very loving and attentive but I know she?s frazzled by all this. I wish she didn't have to go through it.

Anyway, the BP was up quite a bit this morning so I took the beta blocker. I feel OK. Consulted with doctor again this AM and we're gonna keep taking the beta blocker to minimize the pressure on the plumbing. My understanding is that 25 mg is the smallest pill they make and it can't be cut in half so I guess I'll have to take it once a day, which is OK with me.

This is a real roller coaster!!! Thankx for listening. You guys are great. I hope in a couple of months I can take some time out from my triathlon training to give something back to this forum! :)

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