Well-known member
Hi! I'm a new member with aortic stenosis and a 4.7cm aorta. My Dr. wants to wait for surgery, which is basically good, but I'm afraid of even the rare chance of dissection or rupture because I live in a very small town that doesn't have a cardiologist and the closest hospital capable of performing heart surgery (even the most basic) is over an hour away. We have a small hospital in town (mostly for setting broken bones and delivering babies) and I'm thinking about working with my primary physician to flag my chart in the emergency room and include specific directions about how to get me stabilized and transported quickly in case of emergency. Part of what is difficult is that I don't really have a good sense of what the chances of dissection are (am I worrying about something that is never going to happen?) I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have (finding this website has been a big comfort to me already, reading previous threads about valve choices, surgery etc.) Thanks! Kate