Jack's daughter
Thanks to all the people who replied to my post about my father contemplating aortic arch aneurysm repair. It helped us both I think to gain confidence that surgery is the right choice. My dad has a surgery date of May 8th. Our current issue is that we just found out that his surgery will be done in 2 stages, which could possibly mean a second open repair within a 3 month time frame, with a complete nephrectomy in between. We are both feeling disappointed and a little overwhelmed with the thought of undergoing a second procedure. It is a lot to get a handle on. Has anyone here undergone a similiar procedure? His surgeon is Dr. Lars Svennson of the Cleveland Clinic. Thanks for any help. We were hoping by this point to have made a decision and to move forward in confidence (ie not researching any more), but this new information has thrown us for a loop!