Fast heart rate

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
Hi all - finally saw my cardio today after taking digoxin and metaprolol (spelling) for a month. They pulled me off both of them since they are not working and are actually lowering my blood pressure too much (80/47) and he now has me taking 6 fish oil pills per day. He also mentioned that I have an extra heartbeat, besides having the heart rate shoot through the roof and that he was more concerned about that than the other. I did tell him about an incident that I had on Saturday where I felt a film like substance drop over my eyes and I got dizzy and everything was blurry for like 45 seconds. After the event, my head felt numb for about 15 minutes then I got a massive headache that lasted for about 4 hours. He was not sure if it was medication related or what, so he just said that if it happens again to go to the ER. I have to call him in 2 weeks and if the heart rate is not better then he is going to send me to another doctor (he called him an electrical heart doc) to let him decide what to do. He said something about trying to shock my heart back into rhythm and if that did not work, then the next step could be a pacemaker. Anyone have any suggestions or comments? If they are going to have to do a pacemaker, then I would prefer they get it over with before the end of December so I do not have to start all over again with my deductible. Thanks all for all your help and suggestions...they are greatly appreciated!!!!

Diana (St Jude Aortic Valve Replacement and Tricuspid Ring - May 2008)
Hi all - finally saw my cardio today after taking digoxin and metaprolol (spelling) for a month. They pulled me off both of them since they are not working and are actually lowering my blood pressure too much (80/47) and he now has me taking 6 fish oil pills per day. He also mentioned that I have an extra heartbeat, besides having the heart rate shoot through the roof and that he was more concerned about that than the other. I did tell him about an incident that I had on Saturday where I felt a film like substance drop over my eyes and I got dizzy and everything was blurry for like 45 seconds. After the event, my head felt numb for about 15 minutes then I got a massive headache that lasted for about 4 hours. He was not sure if it was medication related or what, so he just said that if it happens again to go to the ER. I have to call him in 2 weeks and if the heart rate is not better then he is going to send me to another doctor (he called him an electrical heart doc) to let him decide what to do. He said something about trying to shock my heart back into rhythm and if that did not work, then the next step could be a pacemaker. Anyone have any suggestions or comments? If they are going to have to do a pacemaker, then I would prefer they get it over with before the end of December so I do not have to start all over again with my deductible. Thanks all for all your help and suggestions...they are greatly appreciated!!!!

Diana (St Jude Aortic Valve Replacement and Tricuspid Ring - May 2008)

Hi Diana,

That's got to be pretty scary, even for someone who's been through OHS already. I'm only 6.5 weeks post op and although I haven't had a lot of issues, the first 3 weeks were hard in that I had a lot of very low BP readings. I was not on digoxen but was on Metopralol, Amiodarone (for arrhythmia control) and Coumadin. While my BP was especially low, I was getting about 3 migraines per day. Have you ever had migraines? They can mimick stroke symptoms and don't always manifest in the same way. I mention this because, although I've suffered from migraines for 35 years, the frequency was more like 2 - 3 per month. I suspect the increased frequency was either due to my BP being low or caused by the medication that lowered it. Just a consideration. When you mention your HR being "through the roof", how high was it and for how long? Just curious.
Has your Cardio identified the type of arrhythmia you are experiencing?

Many patients have a fast heart beat after surgery, usually diagnosed as Atrial Fibrilation. I was put on a digoxon protocol while still in the hospital. It didn't do 'squat'. My A-Fib 'resolved' after about 3 hours (on 3 separate occasions).

A few years later, I would occasionally develop exercise induced A-Fib. My Cardio switched me from Toprol XL (Beta Blocker) to SOTALOL (the generic form of BetaPace). I worked like a charm, even at a very Low Dose, once my body adjusted (which can take up to a few weeks). The information sheet recommends being Hospitalized (I was not) when starting this drug "just in case" you may develop an unstable arrhythmia.
My heart rate actually goes up to about 157 for 5 minutes or so, then drops back down to the mid to high 60's or so. This happens about 15-20 times per day. In regards to the headaches, I have had migraines in the past but they were nothing like the pain I had on Saturday. My migraines were so severe that I would end up in ER 3-4 times with each one. In regards to your question, Al, he has not said what kind or type of arrhythmia I am experiencing so I can't answer that question. Thanks again all!

I think it would help you to get copies of your records from you Cardiologist, especially his letters to your Primary Care Physician. This should reveal his diagnosis and assessment of your condition. Many large Cardio offices have a Records Department with standard Release of Information forms that you need to fill out and sign. There may be a charge for getting copies, in which case you can ask to SEE your records and only get copies of the ones you want to keep.

Regarding 'Optical Migraines', (or Visual Migraines), we have had several reports of those events by members. Whenever I get one, I chew an aspirin (325mg) 'just in case' there could be a small clot floating around in my brain or eyes. Optical Migraines 'usually' clear up in less than an hour (often 20 minutes).

You may want to have further discussion with your Cardiologist and /or PCP.

Hope you are able to find some relief!

'AL Capshaw'

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