Falling apart since AVR

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I have had strep throat 3 times. My back is stiff all the time. My left knee is going out on me, (I think). My appendages fall asleep all the time. And I am only 31?!? I have also GAINED weight since the surgery!

Sorry you are having such a tough time. I have not had my AVR yet so I can only wish you well.

Remember..............Can do all things through Him
No temptaion to great
If His eye is on the sparrow

My prayers will be with you.
Becca, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. I too have gained a lot of weight but I contribute that to my chemo/cancer medicine I have to take for my leukemia, and I'm not as active as I used to be. I eat way too much and I've become lazy. My knees hurt too but I know it's because of too much weight on them. A friend of mine and I are going to start an exercise program and start walking. I sure hope this helps.

I also see that we have the same birthday (June 10) of course I have a son two years older than you, so I'm old enough to be your mother! Bonnie's birthday is on June 10th too.

Hugs and prayers are coming your way.
(You share a name & nickname w/ my daughter -- I like it).

My only advice -- if you haven't gone through a cardiac rehab program, contact your dr. or hosp. & get the information. If you have already done this, then you need to get out & exercise at a gym and/or begin a regular walking regimen.

I was very, very sick, spent almost 6 wks. in ICU (3 wks. prior to surgery & 3 wks. post surgery), lost about 25% of my weight and could barely walk the 30 feet to the nurse's station when I began my recovery.

Today I attribute my wellness, energy and virtual pain-free existence to my work-out regimen. I had never exercised regularly in my life prior to this, but now I know my life depends on it. The bonus is a healthier back & joints.

Oh, one more thing -- it takes at least 6 to 12 months to recover from a major surgery like this. Good luck -- :)

Wish I could give you a big hug and make everything better but I will comment.

Strep throat - we are very prone to infections for the first year or so. Short of locking yourself in the house, or not breathing when you are out, you will have infections to deal with. Just try to be happy that there are meds to solve this.

Weight gain is common, especially if you are "down" about how you feel. This is probably the cause of the knee issue. Start walking, try to eat properly and you may end up solving this issue.

Blood flow can also be a post-op issue. Could go away with exercise and weight loss.

Massage will help the back problems. If you can find a chiropractor that does massage therapy, you might be able to get your insurance to cover it.

Try to make yourself smile (physically lift the mouth edges) at least once every hour. You will find this does help make you feel better and more energetic.

Keep realizing this will pass but you do need to be proactive about it.

Good luck.
Becca, ANGER works well for me!

Becca, ANGER works well for me!


I have to work much harder to stay in shape now than before (and I'm not in great shape!!). But you know what? I'm LIKING the hard work. I can TASTE the effort and the results.

You've been given a new set of opportunities. Grab em!

(and apart from any utility of anger, I'm really sorry that you're going through this).

I can relate

I can relate

Not to the strep but the weight gain. I also have a daughter named Becca (Rebecca). I had my weight under control for 4 years before the surgery. I lost lots of weight after the surgery initially. Then I started to eat sweets because I was feeling sorry for myself. My mom got sick and died in Dec so I still feel sorry for myself and I am still eating sweets.
We are going on a cruise in 2 weeks and I certainly won't lose weight there. I am slightly anxious about the trip because I have 5 new scars that I didn't have last year on our cruise.
I finally took a job sitting instead of running around the way I did before surgery. I never understood how long it takes to recover from OHS.
Give yourself time.
anr test

anr test

To anrtest I think I will be getting an avr at st. joesphs in l.a. how was the hospital who did your surgery? did it turn out well? Thx. steve
inrtest, jess

inrtest, jess

Hey jess, i posted a reply earlier to you, we are in the same hood and i am thinkg of having my avr done at st. Vincents, sorry i think i said the wrong place. you were at st. joesphs right? don't worry bout question. thx. steve in capo bch. also on heart talks as sfconstrct.

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