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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
It's ridiculous, but I have to share this...

I am in amazement. I'm sleeping in my own bed, which I did last time. But the last couple of nights, I've been sleeping on my side.

Not just my side: my sides.

I haven't really felt comfortable sleeping on my left since the last surgery. I could do it, but there was always a bit of a hinky feeling to it.

Usually, it takes weeks just to be able to sleep on your side at all. And then it tends to be your right side. The left usually takes longer. This time, I'm sleeping on both sides already. However, sleeping flat on my back has been a bit less comfortable. Since everything becomes a pressure point when you're lying around so much, the trade-off has been a great comfort. On my back in the lounger during the day, and on my sides at night.

Best wishes,
Finding comfort post surgery is certainly a cause for exclamation!

We all know what you mean by "that hinky feeling". Certainly these are signs of good things to come!!!

And this means you can relax and enjoy your recovery.

As many here have said....so glad you're back and certainly thrilled to hear that you are back in one piece!

Best wishes.

That's really fantastic!
After all you have been through, I think it is divine intervention that you should be able to have a comfy sleep...you deserve it!
Just a thought... would any of those fancy spa style gel pads help? They are like the "gellin" shoe inserts but larger...
When my husband had surgery (it wasn't heart surgery, but he had movement restrictions) the thing he enjoyed the most were these aloe socks that I bought for him. They were really silky feeling- it was just an added comfort (and I didn't tell him the only ones I could find were in the women's department)(XL).

You know, I had knee surgery years ago and it took over a year before I was even semi-comfortable kneeling on that side.. do you think it is a little bit psychological? Or do you think that we are truly more sensitive for extended periods of time?
In the case of OHS, I think it's likely that it's caused by the minor crowding when your other organs are sort of lying on your heart when you are on your left side. It seemed to annoy it, and sometimes caused some palpitations. It always felt somehow "wrong" to me. This is a very common experience throughout the OHS community.

You'll note they always have you lie on your left side to get the best echo readings, for that very reason. The other organs kind of hold the heart in place somewhat for the transducer.

Best wishes,
Hey Bob, I know the feeling you are talking about. I cannot sleep on my left side, and havent done for many years. What you said describes me exactly, I get palpitations and it just feels ''wrong'' so I dont even try any more. So nice to see you are feeling more comfortable already. Keep it up. :cool:
Yep that hinky feeling its hinky on my left alright kind of like when
i first come through my surgery and thought nope never again
will i be able to lie back,side or plain just ever lie down again.:eek:
It's sure a thankful feeling when we pull through it and even be able
to turn to get to other side.Took me alot longer as i recall
Glad you shared this and glad you are with us to share and that
your doing SO GREAT