Eye surgery -- on cat

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Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
One of my cats, Buddy, had major eye surgery today and I'm praying it will be a success. It's already a major wound to my bank account.
Buddy had his shots updated 2 weeks ago and I mentioned to the vet that his right eye was not quite right -- kept tearing up. She looked at it, said he needed one procedure (corneal debridement, which I had undergone in July 2004). Well, that didn't do the trick, so she referred me to a veterinarian/ophthalmologist.
The specialist said he needed a "superficial keratectomy." OUCH!!!!!!! Doesn't really sound very superficial physically or financially.
We're not sure what caused the condition, which is primarily a layer of dead epithelial cells (outer layer of the cornea).

I'm already in pain, thinking of what my poor cat must be feeling. If it were me, I'd take a couple of martinis & sleep off the pain. The doctor has assured me he'll send home some analgesic and they won't be kitty cocktails.


We are going thru something with Rufus too..A month ago, I saw him wobble into house..thought he had been hit by car or hurt badly..rushed him to Vet...$200.00 later and the next day he was fine..just a swollen paw..( Saw him a few days later pawing at ground..sure enough..a wasp nest) :eek: Before we left, asked Vet to look at his left eye..all summer..it has been kinda closed ..off and on..She said, I don't see anything..speed forward to 2 days ago..Left eye close and right eye infected with goop...Off again to Vet..her new Vet saw him...did a dye thing..and said, he had a hole in his eye.. they drew his blood and mixed it and gave us a med to put in there ..every 4 hours with the hope it will heal... also, antibodies..We did it last night and again 2 times today..He fights us, tooth and nail.. :eek: Hubby wraps him in towel and I do the drops.. We have to do it again tonight...HOWEVER..he looks great..trying to sit on my computer, ect..Eyes look better..and we are taking him back down tomorrow for a checkup...... the young Vet told us yesterday..I can sendyou to someone else..maybe $3,000 to save his eye :eek: We said, no thank you..Had a one-eyed cat before that lived to old age... Young Vet gave us pain meds, ect..Rufus was on top of Hubby purring all night..No pain.....Hubby and I have decided..that we will wait and see if it heals...Then, if not, will have it removed. but, because his eye has been fine..off and on all summer..No way we will say tomorrow to remove it.. He's wanting to go back outside tonight.....I think young Vet was trying to get us to remove it.. :eek: for the $$$..If he were in pain..I would say yes..but, not, when he is eating, driving me nuts to go outside, ect...Bonnie

Egads! I don't know which I'd prefer dealing with: your Rufus or my Buddy! Hope the eye gets better and that Rufus doesn't need it removed.

Buddy seemed kinda drunk when I picked him up @ 4:30 p.m. The ophthalmologist offices at a 24-hour vet hospital. I noticed that he is a graduate of Colorado State University (master's, post-DVM work) and thought of our many vr.com members from Colorado!
The doctor said he had to remove quite a bit of the tissue, but there was new corneal tissue underneath. (Delighted in showing me digital photos taken during the surgery!!!!!!) Sewed the eyelids shut (OUCH!). We have to give oral pain med 2X day, eyedrops for pain 3X day & antiobiotic eyedrops 4X day.
I told the doctor I'd prefer to give pills, not drops, and he said that's not possible. Said to watch out for getting scratched when giving the drops, but did remark that he noticed Buddy's claws were dull (we had trimmed them last weekend). I said, Hah! I'm not going to let him scratch me up and told him I have a clicker ticker & take warfarin.

Buddy didn't need a graft over the eye and the bill was $200-$300 under the estimate. Still took a chunk out of my little "slush" fund I was setting aside for a down payment on my husband's next car, whenever that is.


Sending hugs to both of you and your critters. May they all be on the mend soon, along with your pocketbooks. :D Many hugs. J.

The surgery wouldn't be the difficult part.
Hard part would be putting those eyedrops in 3-4 times a day. :eek: I wouldn't want to be the gorilla's nurse.

Actually, a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist is trained to work on all species. There was a poster about equine eyes in the treatment room I saw last Thursday.
Marsha, I was just wondering how your cat is doing. My gray kitty has very poor vision. One pupil is permanently dilated and misshaped. It doesn't seem to bother him but I think it makes him skittish and clumsy. Our vet hasn't ever suggested any tests or treatment as he thinks he may have been born that way. I hope your kitty is in good spirits again.
We never took Rufus back..to Vet..Sister had a surprised birthday party we had to attend and I had to go to Alabama..,to check on Daddy.. But, did the drops everyday..and noticed he was getting better. left him in the house for 2 1/2 days..Came home tonight..Both eyes look great.. Even, the one that Vet had a hole in it?..Antibodies semed to have done the trick......(Even missing the drops while we were in Alabama)...Did the drops when we got home..Will take another look in a.m...With a solid Black cat..hard to see his eyes.. :p But, both looked good.He ate 5 bowls of cat food while I was gone..and jumping all over the house tonight. :D I may let him go out tomorrow..with me..Bonnie

Buddy seems to be doing OK. I don't see any sign of infection, even though his eyelid is pretty much stitched together. He purrs when we handle him to medicate his eye. He goes for a recheck on 10/18 & I pray the situation will have resolved.

Wow! You sure lucked out with Rufus' eye. And I know what you mean about black cats. We have 2 black cats.
Give Buddy a hug for me.
Animals are such an important part of our lives.

Mom to a 14 year old cat, 2 Westies, a guide dog breeder and a guide dog in training.

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