Exercise and walking

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Active member
Mar 14, 2009
Charleston, SC, USa
I'm in the fifth week post op after avr and things are peachy keen. I've noticed that if I walk before doing my upper body stretches that my chest incision and muscles aren't so irritated while walking. My physical therapist told me that the stretches are essentially a minor tearing of tissues that have healed hence the ache/ irritation. Anyone else hear this?
If you walk before you do your stretches your tissues are warmed up nicely and will stretch with less discomfort, and less discomfort afterwards. What you're stretching is a combination of muscle and scar tissue, so there will be some tearing and rearranging of those tissues, but on a microscopic level. The same as exercise will cause tears in healthy muscle. But with scar tissue there is more of a "burn" to it. Just don't over do it.. there shouldn't be pain involved.
Glad to hear you're doing so well! Keep up what you're doin... I'm right behind you in recovery!
