Ever gotten a lump anywhere?

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
So I came across this lump in my chest a couple weeks ago (the upper part of my breast, really) and had it examined today - by my OB, who sent me in for a mammogram (only 34 years old, so that was my first - fun!!!) and an ultrasound.

I'm always good at stumping doctors and today was no exception. The Dr who analyzes the mammograms and ultrasounds isn't sure what it is. Her best guess was some sort of fatty growth stemming from all the "trauma" my chest area has had (although it wasn't all fatty tissue - there was a dark area in the center of it, and that's what stumped her).

I am scheduled to see a surgeon on Monday to discuss having it removed, at my OB's request. Just curious if anyone else, with all the trauma we've all had, has ever had any mysterious "lumps" form on their chests or anywhere else near surgical entry points?? That's the first I've ever heard of it, and I can't say I'm buying it just yet...

I've had a small firm lump twice. Both times on left ****y. Once near the direction of the armpit, and the second was just under the nipple area. Mammogram was done, examined by surgeon, and both disappeared on their own. I think it was called enlarged nodules.
I have fatty tumors on my right thigh and on my back. I think the technical word for it is a "lipoma". Some of them hurt sometimes. They kind of float beneath the skin like little blobs of grizzle.

I showed the doctor and he said "Oh, that's a fatty tumor. No big deal.". Yeah right man, no big deal, except when you also have lung nodules and a gamut of other health issues.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing but I figured I'd share that.
Have you had a needle aspiration?
I had a golfball-sized lump come up on the upper part of my left breast about 15 years ago. Got to my doctor within a day or so. He sent me for a mammogram, a 2nd one and a needle aspiration. They drew out nearly 1/2 liter of fluid and injected air into the cyst.

I also had a biopsy in the same breast when I had my hysterectomy in March 1985. The biopsy was benign.

Good luck! Hope you get the same reports as I did.
I've had many lumps

I've had many lumps

I get nervous, too.

I've had three kinds that I have identified.

Lipomas (some pretty good sized) on my arms, legs, belly, and a large one on my back. These feel like little lozenges embedded right under the skin. They are pretty firm and move around a little. The one on my back was big enough (12cm) that I had it removed.

Cysts on the surface of my stomach. They feel like they are attached to the muscle wall of the abdomen. Relatively small striations.

Some scaring (or maybe sutures that did not dissolve) about an inch below the bottom of my sternum.

Getting lumps checked is a good idea even though most of them are just the beauty marks of aging.


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