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it appears that Ivan will be making an untimely visit to the gulf..we will be leaving perhaps as early as tomorrow night..woof..will try to stay in contact..love Yaps
Good luck to you and yours. Our hearts go out to you and all those in the path of Ivan.
Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Good Luck! I am so glad you are heeding the warnings. Be safe!!

Wishing you luck!

Wishing you luck!

I wish you the best of luck, Yaps and hope to hear from you again soon. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed until you're back home safely.
Your friend,
Like, This Is Not What You Or Anybody Needs!!!

Like, This Is Not What You Or Anybody Needs!!!

Hi Yaps,

I will keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed (lol) that you and yours get out of this unscathed.. Be Careful, Stay Safe and Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D
Ann, Hensylee just e-mailed me..Her daughter has plans for them to move, too. 4 cats and a dog. :eek: May go tonight..but where.. :confused: Ivan is sooo big..it's going to hit Alabama Georgia too. :eek: :eek: Maybe to far North Alabama..South Fla is still short on gas, ect.I'll pray for them. Bonnie
Stay Safe...

Stay Safe...

Hi Granbonny,
Just wanted to say that I hope everything will go smoothly for you and Hensy, and that you all will be safe and dry...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :eek: :eek: :D :eek: :eek: :D


We are 100 miles North of Atlanta. but Hubby even said, he was going to check chainsaw tomorrow. It can get very windy up here. I even put out all my candles today...but we have many members in lower Alabama..so they will get it worse than us. :eek: and lower Georgia too. :eek: ...but remember this thing can go all the way to your house with rain, ect.next week . Our leaves in North Georgia are turning colors a little. but with high winds they will fall. and no pretty Fall leaves. :eek: Bonnie
Better To Be Safe Than Sorry Aye?

Better To Be Safe Than Sorry Aye?

I can imagine that even if you didn't get the full brunt of the hurricane, that you still stand the chance of Tornadoes? I know when I was stationed at Ft. Benning, that when the sky looked green even after a thunderstorm, we all had to head for the safety of the Barracks Laundry Room...Other Than That....I LOVED GEORGIA!!!! lol :D :D :D :D
I have talked with my brother in Selma, Alabama several times today. We have many relatives (1st cousins living in the Mobile area. that we have not seen for many years. He drove over to Daddy's and I told him where Mama's address book was with phone numbers.(She always called them maybe once a year..because they were her nephews and nieces.)He was trying to call them and tell them to come to his home. He has a hunting lodge that is empty now (deer season has not started) and wanted them to know they could come there.. My 1 first cousin that she and I e-mail weekly. e-mailed that she was putting everything in plastic bags, including computer, ect. and putting them up high. she lives near the Mobile Bay. Then take her 5 large Rhodesian Ridgebacks..and go North to middle Alabama.She is a dog show judge and depends on her dogs for income. :eek: Would never leave them behind.They are all best of Show and makes much money breeding them...still I just heard that the Hurricane Station in Miami..says that this one will be felt 100 miles North..Whereever, it hits. :eek: They are thinking 7 a.m. Thursday morning..Pray for these good Southern people..Bonnie
Gal I work with had relatives call last night from coastal Louisiana. They were starting out for SE Missouri to have a place to stay for a while. Nothing to do except say, "Welcome!"
Same for me too, Mary. I have 2 guest bedrooms and would welcome anyone...but we are 100 miles North of Atlanta. A little too far for people to drive.All Southern people are very hospitality..and would never turn anyone away...Even, if they had to put them in their barns. :p but this is very new to many young people..living in mobile homes, ect..(Which many do in rural Alabama)Still praying that Ivan will slow down and not be a 4 or 5 hurricane. :eek: Bonnie
according to mother, my seaman Key West grandfather used to say 'orange sky at night, sailors take flight'. Well at dusk the sky to the north and west was the most beautiful orange - not the regular sunset orange. So I guess that's what he meant - storms....

We decided that if we set out, we wouldn't know where to go so we took stock of our situation, remembered Opal of 1994, were safe then, and decided to haul the stuff back into the house again and batten our hatches and watch it all happen. Besides, it moved slightly west of us and when it gets here it might not be so strong.

Our town had thousands passing through from the coast 30 mi south of us. A steady stream of vehicles of every sort, including boats on trailers. Don't know where they will all end up or where they will stay. That's the group we didn't want to get into.

It is due here Thursday in the wee hours, but if it hangs steady it will only give us the right edge but the winds will be strong with plenty of water. about 70 mph and that's constant, relentless, wind. But looks like Yaps and Bill will be in trouble over there in Pensacola. Well, we might be, too. But we're hangin in, watchful and being careful.


You take care..and post often before you lose power. :eek: :eek: At least e-mail me and I can post.The East winds of the hurricane is suppose to be the worse. :eek: Panama City is deserted tonight..And I know you are not that far from there. Take care. Bonnie
Take care and good luck. Somehow we've dodged a bullet three times in a month here in Sarasota. The bad thing about the storms missing us is that they end up somewhere else...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

I called Daddy .Neighbor across the street answered his phone. She is a school teacher and they let out schools at noon for remainer of week.He live 198 miles directly North of Mobile..Thank goodness for her..and she will call on her mobile phone tomorrow if I cannot reach Daddy..power out, ect. Hopefully it will stay on...so he can have his morning coffee, biscuits and grits. Age 90.. :D :D Tried to talk him into sleeping in back bedroom away from large tree. Stubborn as a mule.Old people will not change their routine. :p :p :p .....Hope all my redneck cousins I have not seen in 50 years left their trailers in Mobile. :eek: I really hope Yaps's home will be O.K. she is in direct path..and maybe only 50 miles from Mobile ..Gulf shores, Alabama..We will see. Bonnie

Looks like Ivan is heading right for Mobile. Then right up Alabama heading to N. Georgia and then predicted to camp there for days. Please take care and make sure someone will check in on your Dad and move him to safety if necessary. It's gonna be a bad one...not only at the coast but inland AL, Atlanta, and in the mountains a couple of days later...GA, TN, NC could get 10-15" on top of the 10-12" they got from Frances last week.

Hope everyone stays safe...and watch out for Jeanne, she looks like she may be aiming for the Carolinas this time next week.
Hey its me

Hey its me

Yaps..we are ok, just got power back... will be getting back with our news, (some good some bad)..many ppl w/o homes here now... many ppl w/o jobs as the storm blew alot into the gulf... will be back with details.. love Yaps
Welcome Back Yaps

Welcome Back Yaps

Welcome Back Yaps,

I am very glad to hear that you are ok, and I hope you have had no damage and that everyone else in your area are ok and if they aren't, I hope god holds them and comforts them to carry them through...Just wanted to say how glad I am to hear that your safe...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

P.S. I am sending you the official NH Welcome Back Crew....(see below)...LOL :D :D :D