Errrrrr.....medicaid In Nh Is Aweful!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Morning Gang,
I just wanted to post and ask if anyone else has the same kind of trouble that I have with dealing with the appropriate parties at Medicaid and Health and Human Services...I have followed the rules to the tee, thinking that if I did what they asked, that I would be able to get my insulin and meds continually....WWRROOONNNGGGG!!! Between dealing with my normal case worker and her associates while she is out, my medicaid is so fouled up that they are getting really arrogant with me, and refusing to turn my medicaid back on thus allowing me to get my meds...and I am out of insulin....ERRRRR. Sorry for venting. I am just really frustrated... :( :mad: :mad: :( :mad: :mad: Harrybaby666
You may have to go to the State Medicaid board about it. I don't know why, but the local caseworkers want to be God and control everything. It's the same way in Ohio.
There are all kinds of problems with medicade everwhere for years. If you make too much or too little. It is hard and hope you get everthing straightened out before they take away medicade. Here is Missouri, there is talk about taking pratically everyone off the medicade to save the state money. This not only hurts adults, but the kids get hard hit. A lot of states are looking into that, check if your state is one trying to cut medicade also. Good luck on getting your med situation cleared soon.
This wouldn't surprise me a bit...

This wouldn't surprise me a bit...

McCln said:
There are all kinds of problems with medicade everwhere for years. If you make too much or too little. It is hard and hope you get everthing straightened out before they take away medicade. Here is Missouri, there is talk about taking pratically everyone off the medicade to save the state money. This not only hurts adults, but the kids get hard hit. A lot of states are looking into that, check if your state is one trying to cut medicade also. Good luck on getting your med situation cleared soon.

However, I am severely diabetic, and for them to turn off my medicaid even for the 10 day spend down, well, my sugars have been running in the 400 to 500 range because I couldn't get my insulin....I finally got a bottle from my dr's office, but I am still fighting with health and human services as they just don't care or understand about people being really sick. What's really bad is if I run out of my heart meds and then what? It's just not fair...Thanks for the support -Harrybaby666 :mad: :D :mad: